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13 bears guard dope crop in Canada

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I could imagine how the conversation would of gone down between the guys who tried this. They were probably both and it was like.


Guy1: Hey dude do you wanna start a plantation.

Guy2: Yeah that'd be awesome, but something big like 2500 plants!

Guy1: Shit that's like a billion joints! What are we gonna use to protect it? I mean we'd have to hire like 13 people to guard it. And I don't think we could pay them, or trust them to not take any.

Guy2: Then what are we gonna do?

Guy1: Fuck I don't know.

Guy2: Hmmmm.

Guy1: Hmmmm.

Guy2: Hmmmm.

Guy1: *realization* I think... I've got it!

Guy2: What?

Guy1: Instead of people how about 13... Wait for it... BEAR! *puts arms out dramatically*

Guy2: * amazement* That's... Like... THE BEST IDEA EVER!


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