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Power Bill

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An interesting thread guys,


This thread certainly kept me interested and like Autonym says "everyone has an opinion" so here's mine:


Firstly, if the basis of this light schedule is to replicate outdoor conditions - where on this planet do they have 1 hour of daylight in the middle of the night time period? Also, as already mentioned keep in mind many strains have been selected from indoor stocks therefore replicating outdoor cycles isnt always the ultimate objective.


Autonym - you said you were on 18/6 for 10 weeks in veg indoors? - unless youre growing 4 cubic meter giants this is way too long for veg mate - tends to make me think your findings are not the best indicator of Vrod's lighting schedule.


Results from a controlled enviroment (same strain, same enviro, nutes etc & seperate light schedules) would be the best basis for your claim. How was your overall yield on 12-5.5-1-5.5 schedule compared to previous grows on 18/6 and 12/12? As GH72 mentioned the outcome tends the justify the claim. And not to discourage you, helthy debate for the purpose of improving existing growing methods is always welcome in my opinion. BUT, from my own experience with indoor strains i tend to lean towards Token JJs method of 20/4 for the 1st 2-3 weeks, followed by 18/6 until desired size is achieved then 12/12 until harvest. For 14 years i have tested 24/0, 20/4, 18/6 & 16/8 in veg and 12/12, 10/14 & 18/6 in flower. I admit i have not done a side by side comparisson for lighting schedule experiments (although i have done plenty of other side by side testings) but I know my best results have been with 20/4, 18/6 veg followed by 12/12.

I for one would love to reduce my power consumption, if i follow your schedule i would be concerned about blowing timers but more importantly i would be more concerned that it has a negative impact on the end result.


I personally would love to see your overall results using this method, with some incentive i would be happy to test it myself and i for one would be able to provide a reliable conclusion as i consistently achieve and record the same result indoors (seasonal dependant) for years. Even if there was no significant improvement and no idenifyable degradation to the result i would be happy to test this method.


Until then I agree with GH72 - Holland have pioneered growing/breeding techniques for decades to date and most of the strains we are growing today can be traced back to Dutch breeders. We all know the industry has its fare share of "snake juice" remedies and gimicks but when it comes to the foundations of canna growing the Dutch should be commended.


If this guy (same forgotten) is paying out on Ed Rosenthal then he must be smokin some good shit because Ed is, and always will be one of he modern day forefathers of canna cultivation.





p.s. where's the results Vrod?

Everyone wants to be a scientist, who the fuck has got the time, space or interest with running experiments like that. my results are achieved by 35years of growing. I started using Hydro in the mid 90's (dutch pots), so I Know when I'm looking at good healthy plants IMO. I still use 12-1 for all my seeding,cloning & vegging with excellent results IMO. An industry started around 12-1 & Forced flowering in 1992. Here's what they say about ED



In 1992 Grobots Int’l Inc attempted to reintroduce old Flower-Forcing techniques which are based on regulating sun time exposure as a superior and clean alternative to the use of “High powered indoor lightsâ€, which are in general powered with highly polluting fossil fuels.

We approached a self-proclaimed Grow-Expert, a minor celebrity who to his own admission “deals in informationâ€. He was freeloading information through an “Ask Ed†column published in a New York Amsterdam industry monthly. After initially being excited about the method, it seemed to be news to the expert; he had his mind changed and would under no circumstances help publish anything on that subject. This was in 1992 before the grid collapsed on the North American West Coast and the Enron scam. In 1999 Ed’s old partner James Goofwin aka Mel Frank (ISBN0-929349-01-6) whines about himself in defense of an intellectual property rip off:

“If you believe that your idea, or writing, or whatever, is being used by other people, think how Mel Frank feels. Almost every book on Marijuana growing takes information, if not his exact words, from Marijuana Growers Guides. How does he know? Because they all repeat mistakes that he made. Fortunately, he can correct his mistakes in his next book.†– Mel Frank

Wow! He writes that about himself in 1999, we all can’t wait any longer for his wisdom. In… a Swiss company brought test results of successful application of the 12 plus 1 method to the attention of the editor of High Times Magazine. 12 plus 1 is duplicating an ancient technique to keep flowers in vegetative growth which was a 1 hour gas lamp in the middle of the night routine in addition to short days. Applied “indoor†it can instantly save a minimum of 30% on power, in generator applications far more. The method was not published.

The Guru in charge at the magazine asks in an e-mail to Grobots about inducing flowering with a 12/12 photoperiod outdoors and asks Grobots to send pictures with a Grobot full of cannabis plants… (Yeah right!).

These “experts†could read the old little flower-forcers growing instruction and find out about the successful timing information. If it takes a mostly heat producing device 12 hrs to produce results does not meant that the power of real sunlight would not produce a much better result in less time.

As one old-time Grower from Mendocino expressed it: “If those guys would ever wake up and wanted to make up for the footprint they are responsible for, they would have to give up all their money and drastically reduce exhaling.


Is it ignorance or deliberate consumer misinformation?


As everyone knows people are very easily influenced by what they read, just take the Bible & how many millions believe it. Joe Pietri the dude who is bringing 12-1 to peoples attention might be considered a dickhead by some but he is having an effect. When I first started on this suject you could not find anything on the Net about it, have'nt things changed, there's shit everywhere now. I have yet to read a negative on 12-1 from someone that's actually used it, people who try it say it's great. I use it and I reckon is great.Like I said before, there are huge gro-ops based around 12-1. AS far as I'm concerned it works well end of story, so I will just quietly grow using 12-1 and who gives a fuck anyway.

Mate, if your worried about a $10 timer turning on and off 4 times a day instead of 2 costing you more to grow, I would seriousily be looking at 12-1 for the savings. I see you have tried the other cycles so why not 12-1


Really guy's what have you got to lose by trying it?


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While you may be able to quote some 'experts' and link to so stuff that's out there on the net, Im still waiting to see one good end result from those of you using the 12-1 method on this site. I hope it happens, as i would love to make the savings on the power bill that you are claiming and still end up with the same result.


However, having completed a first grow on 18-6 (was 17-7 for first week or two) and 12-12 with above average results, i don't think i'll be changing anytime soon


**edit - had forgotten some of Norms chunks n the seeds

Edited by Ernie420
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Really guy's what have you got to lose by trying it?



Shit mate i didnt think anyone would have to answer that for you but here goes cause its pretty simple








Pretty simple minded,

What switching your timer , that's a big effort, trying it for say 2 weeks yeah that would cost you a shit load of time,money would fuck up your yield and the quality.

Like I said I use 12-1 for veg, have been for the last few months no problems. I use 13-11 for flowering. Here's some pic's of a 4 week grow from seed under 12-1. Shit mate,how about posting some pic's of your seedlings at 4 weeks . We have seen hoppers pic's, but no one else has bothered. When I see I'm in the minority I'll pull my head in, not.



Edited by Vrod
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Pretty simple minded,

What switching your timer , that's a big effort, trying it for say 2 weeks yeah that would cost you a shit load of time,money would fuck up your yield and the quality.

Like I said I use 12-1 for veg, have been for the last few months no problems. I use 13-11 for flowering. Here's some pic's of a 4 week grow from seed under 12-1. Shit mate,how about posting some pic's of your seedlings at 4 weeks . We have seen hoppers pic's, but no one else has bothered. When I see I'm in the minority I'll pull my head in, not.





Lets start right from the beginning shall we.....


Pretty simple minded - yes you are to have not been able to understand my post.........


TIME EFFORT YIELD QUALITY MONEY - I was not talking about the time it takes to switch a timer Vrod but i think you knew that but were just trying to be a smartarse which unfortunately you fail at more often than not.........No Vrod I was referring to the months that you put in to find your plants go hermie......which hmm may or may not be due to the 12-1 theory as YOU havent bothered testing the theory properly before coming on here and preaching the theory like your the messiah.......


Setting up can be quite expensive Vrod purchasing decent genetics.....then a newbie who has done this comes on here hoping to get the best advise possible to only get hijacked by a character like you and your un-tried power saving theory.......at least 2 first time indoor growers I know of on here have done this......................mate I am smart enough and I reckon you are as well to know the wise old heads on here who can genuinely help these new growers get the right bang for their buck......personally if i were you leave the advise for the NEWBIES to the people who want to help them......not one like you who want them to help you test this theory.................


I am a first time grower, I am keeping a diary with pics and getting RELIABLE advise (you havent posted in the thread). My girls are nothing to write home about mate so you can save the pissing contest there.......................but I believe i will get a good result using the TRIED AND TRUSTED METHODS........


Your last sentence summed YOU up Vrod "When I see im in the minority I'll pull my head in, not" Thats really clever mate........I dont think you should pull your head in at all Vrod, keep regurgitating volumes of info that you get from the web and trying to big note yourself.........I think I, among others have worked you out already mate and enjoy your funny banter!!!


Yours truly


Resident ( . ) ( . ) hunter out......

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Firstly, I'm pretty baked, and slowly sinking into my chair, while my fingers do their own thing.


Now, seems a few lads here are inadvertently getting hot and bothered over hours of light. Fair enough. Everyone has their things they like, and that no one can change. For instance, I like chocolate. No one will ever be able to tell me to stop eating chocolate.


Secondly, not sure if many of you pop in and check my thread in the grow diaries from time to time, buy my girl is grown from seed under CFL's and 12-1, and it's looking perfectly healthy and bushy. It's my first grow, so I've got nothing to compare it to, but so far, so good. Next time I might try 18-6, then 24-0. Then I can make my own decisions on what worked for me.


Until then, as long as it stays green, then I'm happy :)


GH72 - No offence taken mate, don't think I've ever been offended ever, by anyone ;)


And Anakha, where do I join the titty club? Can I enter my wife? hahahahhah

Edited by Delta 9
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