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Heavy Marijuana Use Doesn't Damage Brain

Guest Urbanhog

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Guest Urbanhog
Heavy Marijuana Use Doesn't Damage Brain

Analysis of Studies Finds Little Effect From Long-Term Use


By  Sid  Kirchheimer 



Reviewed By Michael  Smith, MD

on Tuesday, July 01, 2003

WebMD Medical News


July 1, 2003 -- Long-term and even daily marijuana use doesn't appear to cause permanent brain damage, adding to evidence that it can be a safe and effective treatment for a wide range of diseases, say researchers.



The researchers found only a "very small" impairment in memory and learning among long-term marijuana users. Otherwise, scores on thinking tests were similar to those who don't smoke marijuana, according to a new analysis of 15 previous studies.



In those studies, some 700 regular marijuana users were compared with 484 non-users on various aspects of brain function -- including reaction time, language and motor skills, reasoning ability, memory, and the ability to learn new information.



Surprising Finding



"We were somewhat surprised by our finding, especially since there's been a controversy for some years on whether long-term cannabis use causes brain damage," says lead researcher and psychiatrist Igor Grant, MD.



"I suppose we expected to see some differences in people who were heavy users, but in fact the differences were very minimal."



The marijuana users in those 15 studies -- which lasted between three months to more than 13 years -- had smoked marijuana several times a week or month or daily. Still, researchers say impairments were less than what is typically found from using alcohol or other drugs.



"All study participants were adults," says Grant, professor of psychiatry and director of the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research Center at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.



"However, there might be a different set of circumstances to a 12-year-old whose nervous system is still developing."



10 States OK Marijuana Use



Grant's analysis, published in the July issue of the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, comes as many states consider laws allowing marijuana to be used to treat certain medical conditions. Earlier this year, Maryland became the 10th state to allow marijuana use to relieve pain and other symptoms of AIDS, multiple sclerosis, cancer, glaucoma, and other conditions -- joining Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.



Medicinal marijuana is available by prescription in the Netherlands and a new marijuana drug is expected to be released in Great Britain later this year. In the U.S. and elsewhere, Marinol, a drug that is a synthetic form of marijuana and contains its active ingredient, THC, is available by prescription to treat loss of appetite associated with weight loss in AIDS patients.



Grant says he did the analysis to help determine long-term toxicity from long-term and frequent marijuana use. His center is currently conducting 11 studies to determine its safety and efficacy in treating several diseases.



"This finding enables us to see a marginal level of safety, if those studies prove that cannabis can be effective," Grant tells WebMD. "If we barely find this effect in long-term heavy users, then we are unlikely to see deleterious side effects in individuals who receive cannabis for a short time in a medical setting, which would be safer than what is practiced by street users."



Grant's findings come as no surprise to Tod Mikuriya, MD, former director of non-classified marijuana research for the National Institute of Mental Health Center for Narcotics and Drug Abuse Studies and author of The Marijuana Medical Handbook: A Guide to Therapeutic Use. He is currently president of the California Cannabis Medical Group, which has treated some 20,000 patients with medicinal marijuana and Marinol.



'Highly Effective Medicine'



"I just re-published a paper of the first survey for marijuana toxicity done in 1863 by the British government in India that was the most exhaustive medical study of its time in regards to possible difficulties and toxicity of cannabis. And it reached the same conclusion as Grant," Mikuriya tells WebMD.



"This is merely confirming what was known over 100 years ago, as well as what was learned by various government findings doing similar research -- marijuana is not toxic, but it is a highly effective medicine."



In fact, marijuana was available as a medicinal treatment in the U.S. until the 1930s.



Lester Grinspoon, MD, a retired Harvard Medical School psychiatrist who studied medicinal marijuana use since the 1960s and wrote two books on the topic, says that while Grant's finding provides more evidence on its safety, "it's nothing that those of us who have been studying this haven't known for a very long time.



"Marijuana is a remarkably safe and non-toxic drug that can effectively treat about 30 different conditions," he tells WebMD. "I predict it will become the aspirin of the 21st century, as more people recognize this."





SOURCES: The Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, July 2003. Igor Grant, MD, professor of psychiatry, University of California, San Diego School of Medicine; director, UCSD Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research Center. Tod Mikuriya, MD, president, the California Cannabis Research Medical Group, Oakland; former director of non-classified marijuana research, the National Institute of Mental Health Center for Narcotics and Drug Abuse Studies. Lester Grinspoon, MD, professor emeritus of psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston; author, Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine and Marihuana Reconsidered.


© 2003 WebMD Inc. All rights reserved.


from here:



my fave part was:

"Marijuana is a remarkably safe and non-toxic drug that can effectively treat about 30 different conditions," he tells WebMD. "I predict it will become the aspirin of the 21st century, as more people recognize this."
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Makes me smile, people sort of gasp if I tell them I use pot for pain managment, specially' since I have a young one.

But it'd be totally cool for me to be habitually taking opiates or some other prescription drug that makes me sick, literally. And makes me space out a hell of alot more, can't even drive.

"Marijuana is a remarkably safe and non-toxic drug that can effectively treat about 30 different conditions," he tells WebMD. "I predict it will become the aspirin of the 21st century, as more people recognize this."
:rolleyes: You got it urbie, my fave 2!!
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Guest Urbanhog
But it'd be totally cool for me to be habitually taking opiates or some other prescription drug that makes me sick, literally. And makes me space out a hell of alot more, can't even drive.

Yeah, know what you mean, know few people on strong opiates, and they are so addicted to them, and the doctor, just hands them out more and stronger opiates due tolerence building up over time, and they always nodding off, anti-social, and the rest, its not their fault, its the system that made them addicted and sick, and hopelessly anti-social.

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Guest Babybear

this is good evidence to read Very happy hehe


True chev its hard been a smoker when u have a child/children So many isuses it can rasie. ib been even told that its abuse to smoke mj if have kids even if you dont smoke in the same room , Has there been test or studies on the impact of second hand smoke?

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Not sure, but I'm not ashamed to say I did use the herb while I was pregnant. First 3 months I ended up in hospital with dehydration from morning sickness 3 times! I was so ill, the only thing that stopped the spewing was a small cone. I'd have maybe one a day. Either that, or daily injections of an anti-nausea agent they give as a very last resort. I was sick until almost the day I had him. No way, the herb will do for me thanks. Had a 9 pound 6 ounce baby boy, healthiest kid out. No probs from day dot. And he's advanced compared to other kids his age. Pediatrician couldn't get over how perfect he was, and healthy, even six months down the track.

He's almost walking, talking and eating at 10 months. And I know plenty of mums that used it too for morning sickness, and I've never EVER heard of anything going wrong because of pot. Although, someone reading this will probably be tut-tutting and shaking their head at me. Chances are they, or their partner smoked cigs while they were pregnant. And drank coffee, tea, and showered, and used cosmetics, and probably had to take some form of meds at some time.

If anything, babies born to pot smoking mums are heavier than average, rather than smaller. I'm not telling every pregnant women to light up, not at all. There needs to be more studies into the effects of pot and pregnancy. But I weighed up my options, and after speaking to friends and even my gp, I went ahead with it. So don't think I'm a bad mum, or a bad person. I love my bub more than anything.

But the healing effects of pot can be unreal. What if we could prove pot was safer than most of the anti-nausea or pain releif meds, as I beleive strongly that it is? Especially in pregnancy. I ended up with an absyss and a rotten tooth 2 weeks before I had him. Had it pulled, then got told to take a couple of panadol :rolleyes: Whatever. Sorry about the long post, it's a subject that I'm pretty passionate about.

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Guest weekprik

Cigs are 10 times worst than MJ,


but My sister was a heavy drug user, pot, needles, speed, opium, cocaine, shit u name it she used and uses it.


She has 5 perfectly healthy children now,


She smoked everyday all day, when she was pregnant, and it didnt effect her kids in anyway.


I personally gave up cigs 12 months before having my kids, and so did their mum.

I stopped all drugs, alcohol etc and so did their mum,

We tried everything to have healthy happy kids, But my son turned out Autistic and has addhd, was on life support at 2 months old (actually died 3 times), had 25 blood transfusions.


My daughter is ADDHD, hyperactive etc.


Go figure eh,


But in all honesty MJ has ruined my brain, It no longer thinks straight, I have alot of headaces if I smoke too much.

My memory is the worst its ever been, I just umm oh yea I cant remember simple things.


I used to be super bright and top of my Trade class etc, now I have to set my watch to remember to take my memory meds :rolleyes:


First 3 months I ended up in hospital with dehydration from morning sickness 3 times


Oh u poor thing, My mrs had it through out both pregnancies, So i know where your coming from. ;(

Edited by weekprik
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hey chev, yeah alcohol or mj in small amounts wouldn't be a big deal. Good to hear you discussed it with your GP. Thats someone you should always be honest with.


weekprik, sorry your kids got problems, but thats some fucked up shit you are writing about your sister. don't be spreading that around, its not good. taking drugs or smoking heavily during pregnancy is a good way to fuck up your unborn. If its like you said she was lucky.

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Guest Urbanhog
But in all honesty MJ has ruined my brain, It no longer thinks straight, I have alot of headaces if I smoke too much.

My memory is the worst its ever been, I just umm oh yea I cant remember simple things.


I used to be super bright and top of my Trade class etc, now I have to set my watch to remember to take my memory meds lol

I am not surprised :rolleyes:

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Guest weekprik



Sorry for my attempt of humor their, What I was trying to say was that MJ has effected my memory and other things, But Up to recently I was a fairly heavy smoker, almost always stoned.


Since cutting back I have felt more energetic, clear thinking etc,


I believe MJ does NOT do any damage to your brain, but it surely does impair it some.


My sister has no respect from me, Shes a nutter and a junkie, I used to get on with her good, but since she became a junkie she has lost my respect, Her Kids have been taken away from her due to being irresponsible, (being totalled and looking after the kids),


The only hard thing about having children with disabilities is that the can only go to certian schools with a unit, I drive an 1/2 hr to take them to school and another 1/2 hr to pick them up again, But they are in the best school in SEQ for Autistic children, lol

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