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Using Bushmaster, Gravity, Purple Maxx & Snow Storm Ultra In Hydro

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gday and welcome

if im correct those p[roducts u promoting are pgrs?

plant growth regulotors?

personally thats the reason i grew my own to avoid those paticular addatives

i personally discourage people from using this style addative at all

sadly the moajority of commercial bud here in australia is grown with these addatives

all the best




These product are made out of Seaweed & such. It is not Gibberellic Acid, like the Dutch Master Superbud that they spread all over the states from your countrymen, so ya real familar with the issues. We have some of the same issues here but since the "Superbud" debockle, all kinds of Nute manufactures are coming out with simular acting but much safer products; hell even Dutch Master has got back into it with Phosphoload & in selling Flower Dragon in Canada under different company name but still same company. Info is there to be found on the web for what I have just stated. I am a medical patient/grower/caregiver & only deal with same. My understanding is these products have been developed by a long time Nor Cali grower & has spread from there. Everybody over last few years have been trying to put down saying pgrs and other scare tactics but not one has come up with anything in 7-8 years that has been on market. I also belong to Green Passions website, as does TGA Subcool, and many medical caregiver growers there are using these products. Again this is not to say anyone should use, the info is just that info I have come by by the sweat of my brow & just sharing for anyone who has seen/has/or is interested in. Again not saying anyone should use anything. Thanks for stopping by & Happy Grows B) ~H~

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Bushmaster definitely sounds like a PGR (growth regulator). As billo pointed out I think readers should be aware of that as most of us here detest such products - we are (mostly) personal gardeners who prefer quality over quantity (PGR effects on smoko quality are for another thread).


You have however added heaps of personal notes on application rates and common mistakes so thanks, hopefully an aussie member will find a supplier and give it a shot. Not that we don't trust you americans, but well, no offence but most folk I know consider a high percentage of americans to be quite nutty lol.connie_crazyperson.gif Don't take it personally, I think a lot of it has to do with bush faint.gif

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:thumbdown: Bush was not nutty, he is a criminal in my book. Him a Cheney help sell this country down the toilet (or to the Chinese, take your pick). Again I am not him so I don't take it personally. In fact I did not vote for his ass anyway, bastard. I can just imagine what peeps around the world think about the States these days, but when ever they need something they run right to our government. We dislike our govenrment as much if not more then you do! Like I said before on this thread, it is just first hand info for anyone interested, that is all. I know you don't trust Yanks, cause I own a Automotive repair shop that works on Imports so I have a couple Aussie customers, 1 Kiwi & 1 South African. All great peeps by the way. Thanks for stopping by & Happy Grows B) ~H~ Edited by chrgrsfan
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wassat.gif " & any real Cannabis Heads out there" whistling0000.gif





Meaning anyone really into the thing, not just growing because of needs, or money/lack there of; just hobbiest that grow to grow for the fun of growing something living that give so much back. That is all, no disrespect meant at all. I forget about the slang difference & will try to keep my posts more of the kings english, so as not to be miss understood. Truely no disrespect & :sorry:


Happy Grows :peace: ~H~

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Meaning anyone really into the thing, not just growing because of needs, or money/lack there of; just hobbiest that grow to grow for the fun of growing something living that give so much back. That is all, no disrespect meant at all. I forget about the slang difference & will try to keep my posts more of the kings english, so as not to be miss understood. Truely no disrespect & :sorry:


Happy Grows :peace: ~H~



Hey CF,



i don't have a problem with understanding English whether it's from the Oxford, Cambridge or Macquarie dictionary


I accept no offence or disrespect was intended, but then this sort of killed it...



"Meaning anyone really into the thing, not just growing because of needs, or money/lack there of; just hobbiest that grow to grow for the fun of growing something living that give so much back".


Happy Grows







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Hey CF,



i don't have a problem with understanding English whether it's from the Oxford, Cambridge or Macquarie dictionary


I accept no offence or disrespect was intended, but then this sort of killed it...



"Meaning anyone really into the thing, not just growing because of needs, or money/lack there of; just hobbiest that grow to grow for the fun of growing something living that give so much back".


Happy Grows








Again, was meaning no offense but it seems I must continue to stick my foot in my mouth, so i will leave it at that. Peace ~H~

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These product are made out of Seaweed & such. It is not Gibberellic Acid, like the Dutch Master Superbud that they spread all over the states from your countrymen, so ya real familar with the issues. We have some of the same issues here but since the "Superbud" debockle, all kinds of Nute manufactures are coming out with simular acting but much safer products; hell even Dutch Master has got back into it with Phosphoload & in selling Flower Dragon in Canada under different company name but still same company. Info is there to be found on the web for what I have just stated. I am a medical patient/grower/caregiver & only deal with same. My understanding is these products have been developed by a long time Nor Cali grower & has spread from there. Everybody over last few years have been trying to put down saying pgrs and other scare tactics but not one has come up with anything in 7-8 years that has been on market. I also belong to Green Passions website, as does TGA Subcool, and many medical caregiver growers there are using these products. Again this is not to say anyone should use, the info is just that info I have come by by the sweat of my brow & just sharing for anyone who has seen/has/or is interested in. Again not saying anyone should use anything. Thanks for stopping by & Happy Grows B) ~H~



very confusing

i think the active ingredient u are thinking of is called Paclobutrazol

gibberlic acid is a chemical proiduced both by the plant and artificailly

the artificail versions people sometime sexually reverse paticular plants with

adding seaweed etc to a mix that makes it cool?

i think this industry needs some form hard core regulation

enjoy ya products

take care


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very confusing

i think the active ingredient u are thinking of is called Paclobutrazol

gibberlic acid is a chemical proiduced both by the plant and artificailly

the artificail versions people sometime sexually reverse paticular plants with

adding seaweed etc to a mix that makes it cool?

i think this industry needs some form hard core regulation

enjoy ya products

take care



I agree with you completely on the regulation & truth in labeling that needs to be put into place for sure. And thank you for being civil about it, I am not saying to anyone to do anything I do. I just came on this board to see what that other half of the world was doing & show what some of us our doing with our little indoor medical grows; that's it! Just a desire for & sharing of knowledge. Peace ~H~

Edited by chrgrsfan
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