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Using Bushmaster, Gravity, Purple Maxx & Snow Storm Ultra In Hydro

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:wallbash: I don't know about anyone else but I have had real trouble finding a comprehensive thread posting on these products for use in hydro. I have scoured the web & brought together the best web info I could find. The first post will be all the best websites & web pages I could find on the subject. The second post will be the best info I could find from threads all across the web on the subject & third post will start my journey with 3 of these products (Bushmaster, Gravity, & Snow Storm Ultra). Hopefully it helps someone else understand these products when comes to Hydroponic use.


The Websites & Pages-


http://advanced-gard...gle-Gravity.pdf - The instruction flyer with Gravity that I never got!

http://gorillagarden...ty-purple-maxx/ - This Hydro store owners use & instructions for using the product from his experiences. Can email with Questions

http://www.emeraldtriangle.biz/ - The companies webpage

http://www.bghydro.c...00&MatrixType=1 - Snow Storm Ultra bottle instructions


http://www.planetnat...ush-master.html - Bushmaster instrutions from bottle

http://www.bghydro.c...nstructions.pdf - Goes into some soil & hydro instructions for Bushmaster + last update about using with clones & rooting


http://www.planetnat...r-hardener.html -Gravity from bottle instructions



http://www.planetnat...urple-maxx.html - Purple Maxx bottle instructions


http://www.hydrocann...nformation.html - Good thread with imput from a couple DWC growers

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In no particular order post from thread across the web!




"Re: Humboldt County's Snow Storm Ultra Quote:Originally Posted by specks4megorgeous! I got some purple maxx and some say its the same thing but the instructions say not to use till three weeks from harvest. Just curious, did you see any difference in overall yield, flowering time? Anyone here ever use purple maxx this early?I used both products first purple maxx which says on the bottle ultra snow storm, and ultra snow storm itself, they work when used correctly in the res or via foliar.


And yes to answer your question first from week 1 of flowering for best results. I stop for the week of flushing only, have used it as low as 1 ml to as high as 5ml per gallon with out issues.


Purple maxx is the original product, but due to people bitching about their plants not purpling, they just started bottling the working part of that product and called it Ultra snow storm. Then they started reworking the purple maxx product to do what they want it to do, but never stopped selling the product. Rumors says the newest version of Purple Maxx works correctly, don't know myself being my hydro store has the old version still on the shelf. "



"Alley's right, it's a flower hardener. It's to be used in conjunction with the Purple Maxx, which is for resin production and stacked calyx formation.

In terms of when to start/stop, I usually start 3-4 days before the start of the last 3 weeks, then flush the last week (included in the 3 weeks). It's almost like the best of both worlds, and I've found for my own set-up that 3 weeks of gravity is slightly too long and the plant starts to die a little bit prematurely. But, I use hydro, dwc and aero, and I know that these products were created for and tested by soil growers, so I might have different requirements than a soil grower. It makes sense considering plants flower a little faster in hydro than in soil.

Regardless, I would definitely recommend using both Gravity and Purple Maxx, as I've had great results with them alongside other flower stimulators like liquid and powder kool bloom, hydroplex, dark energy, among others. Make sure your humidity is below 50%... the first time I used it my buds got so fat and dense, then I lost nearly 1/2 my crop to mold"



"Yes definitely raise your light. An EXCELLENT growing mind told me to use it this way on a plant (growing hydro.) Place plant in its own pod....add RO ph correct water ONLY. Add Gravity according to directions on bottle. Fire up airstone and leave for three days. (check ph often.) Place plant AS FAR AWAY from your lighting as possible. (When I asked him to be specific he then said "as little light as you can and still maintain photoperiod" which sounded pretty darn specific to me.) At the end of three days, use 1/2 strength nutes and SLOWLY increase nute and light levels back to normal.


PS...Train makes an excellent point about the humidity as well"


"I have used Gravity at 50% the recommended dosage and it worked just as well as powdered kool bloom, Overdrive or any other bloom booster designed for late flower.


You may find that using it for one week is enough"



"Quote:Originally Posted by BurrrnSomethingWhy is it that they say you should raise your lights when you use Gravity? How long should I wait to start moving them back down?HCO, the producers of Gravity, actually recommend it on the bottle. From my experience with Gravity, similar to that of Kool Bloom Powder, it accelerates the final phase of flowering, ultimately signaling to the plant that it's nearing the end of it's life cycle. This causes the plant to focus solely on the final development of flowers and virtually abandon the maintenance of its fan leaves.


With these results in mind, I believe they suggest you raise the lights both in an attempt to establish a scheduled reduction of light intensity that somewhat corresponds to the reduced luminous intensity a plant would receive outdoors in its natural environment as winter approaches, as well as prevent intense light from accelerating the termination of functioning fan leaves that are already quickly being abandoned.


To be honest, though, as a result of the low ceilings I have in my garden rooms (8 ft. I believe), I've never actually raised the lights. I can't say for certain that it wouldn't help, but I've had amazing results maintaining the same lamp height throughout flower. The only tip I can think of is that the sativas, so I've heard, are nute shy.. so no nutes with the bushmaster, and bring the nutes back slowly after that. I agree with crazy. I used a teaspoon per gallon on 2 sativas with plain water. No burn at all."



Linda Carter 36in Sativa Mexican Land Race

Bushmastered once it got to 36in.

flipped switch bush master halted the stretch.


1/2 ml per gallon.


All Humbolt county products are concentrate.


Flower period has been all about bud production.

# 1 plant linda carter the buds,

bent the plant over had to stack it up. so heavy already from beasty bloom.

It is a good idea to

train plant a week out like last part of beastie bloooms stake it up.


1ML Gravity getting more H20"



Hello CF, MrsMadd is much better now thanks for asking. The computer monitor still gives her real bad migraines when she stares at it for a little bit but they are even getting better. To the meat...........


I run soilless mixes so I can not give you complete amounts for your hydro system, I can only offer advice on the amounts I run. PLEASE run these products on the lower dosing side until you truly understand how they work. All of the products work as advertised, BUT sensitivity in todays Hybrid Strains is a common issue with higher doses. PLEASE use caution as one mistake can cost you your garden.............


BushMaster- This is an amazing product. If height is a major restriction for you and certain strains have never been an option due to these restrictions, BushMaster will help. Its all in the timing as to the stretch you will get. I like to give BushMaster typically the day before the 12/12 switch, and I only give it at the rate of 2.5ml per gallon. At this rate you will want to make sure you havent fed them anything above say 650ppm's for a good 2-3days before BushMaster is given. You will run this for about 5 to 10 days unless you see ANY signs of burn. If you notice any burning then you need to flush your res. BushMaster will not only halt vertical growth on stretchy, leggy plants, it will force a bigger budd set if done properly at the right time. You only use Bushmaster once!


PurpleMaxx-This product is beneficial if your strains or varieties have tendency to purple. If they show no purple then you are better off using the Snow Storm Ultra. Purple Maxx can be applied at many different times and amounts. I start adding this at around the 4 week mark at 2.0ml per gallon and working my way up to the 4.0ml mark by the last dose given, once weekly.

Snow Storm-This product has some serious effect. It enhances resin production, but should not be your only source of supplement for resin production. I dont see a lot of calyx swell from this product as my other supplements have already done that job very effectively. I use it purely for the added resin it can produce. This product can be applied foliarly, but I dont recommend this as the budd mass can be large enough that mildew and or Botrytis can be an issue. If this is your method make sure you reduce your RH down below 45%, and plenty of air circulation because these can be an issue. Aerating Snow Storm Ultra will cause heavy bacterial growth, which can be prevented by using 1teaspoon of 35% hydrogen peroxide per 20 gallons of water SOMETIMES. Its a research product bro. Thats what all of their products are. Its all trial and error. What may work for some may not work for others. These are starting points in which you can set up your own tests and trials. My amounts and timing have evolved over a 6 or 7 year period using these products specifically and in conjunction with each other. Please keep this in mind as you decide to move forward with such products. As with any and all products there are NO miracles in a bottles, it takes timing and other additives to bring out the functionality of some products. If you ARE NOT using HID lighting you shouldnt need to worry about raising your lights. This doesnt mean that you shouldnt watch and make sure that this is the rule, as they may still need to be raised. I cant honestly say as my only experience comes with HID's. Sorry I couldnt answer that for ya bro. Just monitor everything you do, document it all the way, that way you know what to or not to do the next set. Thats what I did!


Gravity-The wonder flower finisher. BE CAREFUL!!!! Strong stuff bro! Real feken strong eh. I give Gravity at 2.5ml per gallon twice during the final 3 weeks of flower. I like to give it once a week, say week 7 and 8 on a 9 week strain with NO other nutrients. This product causes a massive uptake of nutes as well as forces your plant into full completion of the flower cycle. Good chit mang. I wouldnt grow with out this stuff. Kinda pricey but worth it imho. I hope I have helped in some way, if not just ask me again and I will see what I missed. Good luck and take lots of notes is my advice to you. Let me know of your results, good or bad as I like the feed back on different strains. Talk soon bro,

Peace & Heavies,





Hello CF,.........Its a research product bro. Thats what all of their products are. Its all trial and error. What may work for some may not work for others. These are starting points in which you can set up your own tests and trials. My amounts and timing have evolved over a 6 or 7 year period using these products specifically and in conjunction with each other. Please keep this in mind as you decide to move forward with such products. As with any and all products there are NO miracles in a bottles, it takes timing and other additives to bring out the functionality of some products. If you ARE NOT using HID lighting you shouldnt need to worry about raising your lights. This doesnt mean that you shouldnt watch and make sure that this is the rule, as they may still need to be raised. I cant honestly say as my only experience comes with HID's. Sorry I couldnt answer that for ya bro. Just monitor everything you do, document it all the way, that way you know what to or not to do the next set............... Good chit mang. I wouldnt grow with out this stuff. Kinda pricey but worth it imho. I hope I have helped in some way, if not just ask me again and I will see what I missed. Good luck and take lots of notes is my advice to you. Let me know of your results, good or bad as I like the feed back on different strains. Talk soon bro,

Peace & Heavies,




Sonic Bloom was designed to be used with their products, but is just your typical Super Bloom additive. Being under CFL's do you usually push your plants heavy with nutes and supps? I am very interested in seeing your results with these products bro. Keep in mind though that SNOW STORM ULTRA IS NOT a flower finisher at all. GRAVITY IS. SSU is only a resin builder, with calyx swells as a byproduct sometimes. Purple Maxx is SSU, plus some organically occuring acids, more than likely a type of citric acid, that simply do amazing things with purple plants.


Another thing that I forgot to tell you was to watch for "BROWN SPOTS" on the leaves of your plants before you show obvious signs of burn as this is the first negative response that the plants will have when they have had more than they want of the Bush Master. I push mine severly with BushMaster as I have stretchy strains to control. Just be observant bro thats all. Thanks again my friend,

Peace & Heavies,






I was helped out here by a grower know as MADDFARMER, great guy & his help was invalueable! B) ~H~

Edited by chrgrsfan
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Thanks Madd biggrin.gif for adding to this post from your wealth of experience with these products. You have given me some valueable advice & I will heed your cautions, suggested application methods & warnings with much weight my friend. I will post all results to this thread with these product in my use with DWC on this & future grows. Research product you say, well let the research begin I say!! laugh.gif In fact it has already & I will post amounts, method, readings, & observations tonight after I get home from work, but it surffices to say, I have been taking readings every 12 hours since putting in Bushmaster last evening ;) . Thank you again, Madd for sharing & if you wouldn't mind keeping an eye on me here & there from time to time, be much appreciated :) bro . Talk soon my friend, & Happy Grows B) ~H~



Well we have made it throught the first 24 hours without any real issues. This is day #43, 3 days before 12/12 & in DWC Bubbler Tubs are Sour Diesel & White Rhino. Reservoirs are 18gal with 12gal of liquid. We are aerating the res & have drop in probe chiller in each res. Have 455cfm exhaust fan, 165cfm in-duct fan suppling outdoor air + 5 fans for circulation. In a grow tent with plenty of room. Have been changing res every 14 days running low 1200 ppm's @ .71 conversion rate for res change start point & finshing around 900's on day 14 of cycle. All water is to be assumed RO'ed & treated with H2O2 @ 5ml/gal off gassed for 18-24hrs. With the exception of Foliar water which is just RO'ed. Each res has been using approx. .5 gal of H2O/day. I only re fill with treated RO'ed water. I decided to error on side of caution & run for only 3 days(if no signs of burn), we are slightly less then 1ml/gal with 10ml for each res. RH has been 30-39%. Each res was right @ 990-1010 ppm's, so pulled 1gal nute solution out of each tub & added back 1.5gal water.



Objective Observations


When added to Res / Solution- 12 gal

PH- 6.1

PPM's- 910/s.d. & 880/w.r.

RH- 31%

Air Temp- 75f

Res Temp- 65f

Bushmaster- 10ml


12 Hours After Adding

PH- S.D. 6.2 & W.R. 6.3

PPM's- S.D./890 & W.R./850

RH- 29%

Air Temp- 69f

Res Temp- 65f


24 hours After Adding

Added water- S.D. 1gal & W.R. .75gal

PH- S.D./ before water 6.3 & 6.2 after W.R./before water 6.2 & 6.1 after

PPM's- S.D./before water 960 & 850 after W.R./before water 870 & 840 after


Air Temp- 78f

Res Temp 67f




Subjective Observations

After Adding

No real issues or changes

12 Hrs After Adding

Plants look better then last night, perkier. Res has slight whitish bubbles on top of solution from aeration.


24 Hrs After Adding

Plants look really good & perky, no signs of burn. Res had little more then this morning of the whitish foam but was less after water was added back to res. the pics below are from right before adding & will post pics tomorrow of them to see how it doing.





First Row- Sour Diesel

Second Row- White Rhino

Third Row- White Rhino

Forth Row- Sour Diesel & Last Pic Sour D




Until tomorrow, & Happy Grows B) ~H~

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Update: this morning, ph & ppm's good. Plants look really good/healthy but on Sour D we've got a couple tender top leaves (2-3) just showing very slight signs of burn. So out Bushmaster will come tonight & will flush system with Clearex & treated RO water for 12 hours before putting Flower nute solution tomorrow. Will being on 12/12 flip as of tonight. :rolleyes: Of course will take picks & update with stats + amounts this weekend. It's Friday, Bitches!!! Woohoo!! Talk to ya soon & Happy Grows B) ~H~



We have hit 48 hours & we are on a clearex flush + have flipped to 12/12, will change out T-5 grow to flower bulbs lights on tomorrow. Plants were definitely showing signs of stressing, leaves starting quilting, few rams horns, couple brown spot here & there, few tender top leaves having signs of burn (6-7 total by this evening). White Rhino handled the Bushmaster better then the Sour Diesel but was also showing signs of stress, quilting, rams horns, just couple brown spots. Hour after flush started leaves are starting to relax, quilting is softening, rams horns easing. Even signs of burn are getting smaller believe it or not.


Warning: Bushmaster in aereated DWC is very powerful & should be used on then very lowest does until you have used it a couple times. Also must be in tune with your girls, check every 12 hours & I mean visual (leaves & roots), ph, ppm's, add needed res top offs. When very first signs of stress appear no more then 12 hours longer in res & flip to 12/12. DO NOT FECK WITH THIS CHIT MANG no-no.gif ! Follow directions or even less then directions first time rules.gif . And Enjoy!! hysterical.gif



Follow up after 12 hours Clearex flush.


Plants look very good, the slight issues that were happening have all receeded to some degree & no worse for the wear. I am now on 12/12 flip & have switch out HO T-5 grow bulbs for flower bulbs. Have also added some HO Flower CFL's to up the Lumens. Must caution anyone again be in tune with your plants if you are going to use Bushmaster.


36 Hours After Adding Bushmaster


12 gal H2O2 Treated RO'ed H2O

6oz Clearex Flush

ppm's- 20


48 Hours After Adding Bushmaster & 12 Hours After Clearex flush


Ending ppm's - 100


Pulled out flush & added back 12 gallons Flower Witches Brew ph to 5.7 & ppm to 870. If you want exact brew recipe check my current grow journal.


Hope someone finds this useful & Happy Grows B) ~H~

Edited by chrgrsfan
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This was the stress that I am referring to:



Now the pics #1 you can see yellow spot, #2 look at bottom of pic and see edges of tender top leaves, #3 look at finger edges of leaf @ 1 o'clock position #4 Rams Horn coming on Second Row #1 see the yellow dot & pucker or quilting of the leaf veining #2 Leaf finger edges on 2, 3 & 4 o'clock positions.



Hope it helps someone interested in using Bushmaster. Happy Grows B) ~H~







Edited by chrgrsfan
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Hi chrgrsfan,


I do commend you on posting up information being a new member and all,


However to me this reads too much as business advertising bangin.gif ... read less like personal opinions on a product and more that you have a vested interest in the company.


Is this product range even available in australia? I havn't seen it.


Anyway happy growing champ.

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gday and welcome

if im correct those p[roducts u promoting are pgrs?

plant growth regulotors?

personally thats the reason i grew my own to avoid those paticular addatives

i personally discourage people from using this style addative at all

sadly the moajority of commercial bud here in australia is grown with these addatives

all the best


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Hi chrgrsfan,


I do commend you on posting up information being a new member and all,


However to me this reads too much as business advertising bangin.gif ... read less like personal opinions on a product and more that you have a vested interest in the company.


Is this product range even available in australia? I havn't seen it.


Anyway happy growing champ.


Thank you & no I do not own or have any investment in the company. If the post for website throws you off, they are there for informational pruposes only. I could not tell you if it is available in Australia or not, I know it is available on the web. But my only intention is exactly as I state, their is very little real info on the web about using this in a DWC systerm, is mighty powerful stuff, but must be dialed in very, very carefully or can take out ladies, & is what is all the rage in the states. The results are unbelieveable, but again strictly an experiment on my grow for me & any real Cannabis Heads out there. Bushmaster is used to control heigth of strains that have more of a sativa pheno & to halt stretch @ 12/12 and cause immediate sexual maturatiy (i put it in last Wednesday & when I post this weekend tio my grow with have pisils already). I do not say use, I simply put the info there in case some one has seen it & wonders. It is like Seasol, I am reading quit a few aussie like this & you can by it at Kmart there but not here in the states. However I could buy it on line & from what I have read here it is as good as Rhiz., so strictly a sharing of info, as it should be IMHO(in my humble opinion). Thanks for looking in & Happy Grows B) ~H~

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