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what is and ideal spot?

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I have been searching in the bush today for a good spot and what I found was: a hillside covered in bracken fern, a gulley and the top of a hill covered with trees(thes trees are big so I can't cut them down). Can you please give me an indication of what spot would be the best.


Does the spot need direct sunlight all day or just partially?




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your grow should receive as much daylight as possible...the plants do not necessarily need direct sunlight all day...they will survive quite well with only a few hours a day, but again as much as you can get is best....like most plants they will love a north facing location to receive as much daylight as the sun passes across the sky also think about where the sun will be as the seasons pass


the other factors to consider are visibility...you don't want your plants to stick out like a shags on a rock drawing attention from unwanted eyes...this includes the law and anyone that might rip you off....look at the surrounding vegetation...will your plant stand out amongst the rest of the environment or will it blend making it difficult to pick the plants from a distance.....also think about how it will look from above, don't clear around your grow too much and space your plants out...this will stand out from any prying eyes in the sky...


if you have large trees in your location, remember that australian native trees take a lot of their food from their ground and will compete for anything that you have added to plant sites close by


weigh these things up and read stuff from other members, this might help you make your choice



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