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Cannabis overdose

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Guest Wilderbud
By the way did anyone notice early on in the day the kids were 2 and 3 years old. aging rapidly.

I havent seen the news as I dont do TV but yeah getting a kid stoned isnt good.


I do smoke around anyone but I dont blow smoke where it can get a kid stoned. :)

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Guest Babybear

Isnt Smokin ciggs around them the same? i seen lots parnets give there kids beer its gross , they get used to a taste then its not so bad so they would jsut go back an try an get more

alohole is bad on a childs brainnot sure if beer is the same but im sure spirts do

an a pregnate mum that drinks to much casue brain damage on the child in some cases

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Isnt Smokin ciggs around them the same? 

Yeah, I think so too, or smoking in the car when the kids are there. Last time I came from Berlin with the train, and this dude sat in the smoking part with his kid for seven+ hours and it made me think of those things. I have an eight year old daughter and I would never do that, smoking is very bad for kids, whatever it is.



Those people "forgot" there whas MJ in the tomato sauce? Wtf?

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That isn't an overdose.


Because it's a natural substance it's almost impossible to overdose on it. You'd have to mainline it(Inject) of Inject(Eat) to overdose. Smoking it's impossible because you'll pass out before you can smoke too much.


Those kids were most likely throwing up, not an overdose. An overdose is where the person becomes pale all over. Not just the face, but the palms of the hands as well, and the inside of the knees.


Their skin becomes very soft and dry. The eyes refuse to open, even when opened by hand. Respiration is very deep and movement is impossible.


The only cure for an overdose is either synthetic starch given from a doctor, or sugar cane juice(Jamacians know all about this)

but cannabis stops you throwing up.


as for the signs of an overdose that you mentioned, this is the first i have heard of this, could you please point me in the direction to get more of the info you mentioned.


i have been discussing this "kids fed cannabis" incident on newsgroups. people there are saying that even when you eat a huge amount of hashish (ie: emergency disposal in a drug bust) the worst that will happen is that you will be very sleepy and sleep for about 2 days. however you can be woken up and you will even wake yourself up to goto the bathrooom when you need to. ie: it's not a coma. at least one person there had a first hand experience with this.


the symptoms you mention sound more like ketoacidosis/hypoglycemia.

especially your suggested treatment.

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rather than retype it all, here's a cut-paste this is the what i said in the newsgroup. i thought the police's misquote was interesting. there is 3 individual posts here that i'll seperate with ***NEW POST***:



> > http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/09/12/...3341765669.html

> >

> > "(The parents returned) and found their two children drowsy, sleepy and


> a

> > very unhealthy state," he said.

> > "The four-year-old child ... who weighs about 12kg, was assessed as


> in

> > a state where she was near unconscious and almost in a life-threatening

> > coma.

> > "In fact the doctor from child protection (services) said two small


> of

> > the food would have been enough to put the four-year-old in the state


> > was in."

> > Mr Scherwitzel said the children had started to become more alert and

> active

> > today and were expected to be released from the Women's and Children's

> > Hospital within 24 hours.

> >

> >

> > also in another news article about the same incident, a senior police

> > constable is quoted as saying:

> > "It can be quite lethal, especially for young children,"

> > http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/s944358.htm

> >

> > i have never heard anything about this before, i have sent an enquiry

> email

> > to the police and am awaiting a response.

> > does anyone have any info on cannabis sending people or children into

> comas,

> > or the effects of cannabis (mainly eaten) on young children (age 3-4)?

> >

> >


***NEW POST***


> well i emailed the south austrailan police about the case and the senior

> police constable who i quoted as saying "It can be quite lethal,


> for young children" replied to me.

> he said:

> "The reference was made to drugs in general. Not purely cannabis"


> so it seems he was misquoted by the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corp, gov

> funded). i will contact ABC about it. hopefully they will do something


> they have this show on their station called "mediawatch" where they talk

> about journalistic accountability and they point out all the errors in

> newspapers and tv shows that they see and hear about (they are quite

> thorough too).

> an interesting point though is that ABC had about 2 articles about this


> case. the best one was quoted above, the other 2 used words like


> POISONING". also SHM.com had 2 articles about it, one quoted above, the

> other one had words in it like "cannabis OVERDOSE".

> here are the "other" articles.

> http://www.abc.net.au/news/justin/weekly/n...2sep2003-38.htm

> http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/09/12/...3268545872.html


> it's strange. the 2 articles i first quoted were quite tame. but these 2

> use more harsh wording. i wonder if they are writing multiple articles


> target different kinds of people.


*** NEW POST***

oh i ferogt to mention that the police charged them both with "two counts of

acts to endanger life".

amazing. i should like to see how THAT pans out, i hope someone tells the

judge that no-one has ever died from cannabis.




i can give you my email to the SA police if you REALLY want it :rolleyes:

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alright first of all i know im not registered but ill do that soon


now if your talking about what im thinking you are then it wasnt the parents, its was the baby sitters. They didnt blow the smoke in there faces and the kids didnt find any food, the baby sitters had laced the kids spahghettie sauce with weed and then feed it to them without the kids knowing.


I think these people are sick sick fucks, and what a waste.

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ok first of all about the babysitters: i hope their identities are revealed so that someone out there will kill them.


and i think weed will be legalised here as soon as the US legalizes it. i think the US will legalize it when they find a way to make more money out of it being legal than from it being illegal.


and kids smoking and whatevers..

im 18, and ive been smoking weed pretty much every day since i was 13. but i dont think i should be legally allowed to, really... not that the law ever stopped anyone.

and weekprik... your big angry post about kids smoking weed better be directed towards parents with younger children.. because not accepting your teenagers drug problem just makes it worse, and makes them do stupid teenagerish things...

but i totally agree nobody should ever give a young child marijuana! and blowing it in their faces is disgusting!


there is bound to be people who have died by doing something stupid while under the influence of marijuana. but there are plenty of people to have died by doing something stupid while they were sober.


Anti-weed people piss me off. i shout at them, angrily. Especially the religious ones who have no better reason than 'its evil and bad!' man whenever i come across one i consider being a satanist to spite them :D


I've never really ranted like that before... how was it? :)

Edited by Mr. Wasted
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I've never considered the idea of overdosing pot in children, but I'm certain it can't be done in adults. I seriously doubt it can be lethal in anyone, including children. Cruel, evil, heartless, sickening; but I don't think it's lethal.


I know the mirikai drug re-hab used to publish an emergency booklet for people in youth work to use to help guide actions to overdoses.


It went through all the dangerous illicit drugs, and when it got to pot, it said that it can't be lethal, and probably the worst thing to do was to take the person to hospital. But to give a drink of coffee, or whatever the person liked, and soothe them by talking softly. :D


As funny as it sounds, it's as close to true as I can think of. My wife once was cooking batches of anzac biscuits filled with heads. I went out to the patch to water the grass, and when I came home the kids told me she was in bed sick. I raced in, wondering what was wrong, because she'd looked fine a few hours earlier. She'd picked at the crumbs as she was cooking the biscuits. In all my life I'd never seen anyone so fucked up. She wanted to be taken to hospital. It was a nightmare looking after her, but she was in no danger.


I've spoken a few times here of how strong we used to make these biscuits, and the trip they would send a person on. And we made them without sugar, and without butter, simply so they would taste bad. They tasted like chewing lucerne. But it was done like that, because we have got children,. and they wouldn't eat them due to the wretched taste. I'm still opposed to having good tasting snacks int he house for that reason.Good tasting "laced" snacks of course.


A DEA judge attested to the fact that eating grass can't kill anyone, aswell.


But to be sure, in kids, I couldn't say. But from the statements of the police and so on, it's definately misleading.


I'm not really commenting on the kids eating the grass, and the wrongful actions of the idiots that did it, that's just given. But the statements of the police, throwing overdosing of grass in with the same basket as overdosing on any drug is just another indication of the lack of education these clowns have on the subject.



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