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Cannabis overdose

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Guest Field_of_Light

If it is true I have a couple of comments....


They shouldnt have been smoking weed around those kids...they need to have some fucking responsibilty for their actions...


The food thing is harder to take care of as kids always go into fridges etc...so the idea would be to have it well out of reach at all times


I know some people get off on watching their kids get second hand stoned via passive smoking and in some extreme cases blow smoke in kids faces...and yes Ive seen this done....it makes me fucking sick


They should be castrated or have their vaginas filled up with concrete... :angry: At least then they wont inflict this shit on any more kids


Kids lungs need clean air...not smoke of any kind....

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Guest weekprik

Anyone and YES that means you if it applies, Needs seriously fucking up if they allow their kids to get stoned,


Myself I will NEVER smoke with kids around, I also wont let my kids around if Iam visiting and am offered a smoke,


Kids and weed DONT mix, IMO.


Some reasons are,

1/ If i wanna ruin my body that my choice, kids dont have a choice and they dont need this shit around them,

2/ Kids have bloody big mouths at the best of time, Imagine your child doing a school essay on their experiance with pot, or if they are young like mine even taking a leaf for show and tell etc, Blabbing to their teacher that daddy smokes pipes :),


3/ At the risk of pissing people off- My view on pot is the same as religion, I believe that the person should be fully educated and then left to make up their own minds,

IE- I have NO religion myself but let my children study the bible and I read it to them sometimes, I studied the bible both new and old and then decided it was the biggest load of shit ever written and I reakon it was written by a stoner, But at the same time I dont bad mouth religion with kids around, Once they know it for themselves Im sure they wont be brain washed by some church well then thay can make up their own minds.


One of the first times I ever got stoned I was abou 13 and my dad blew me out, I accepted and got shitfaced, but then I spent the next 3 months learning about the good and bad points of MJ, and Like I said I made up my own mind from their and often had a smoke with my dad when we were at a party or bike club etc.


Anyways if it was accidental then hey shit happens,

if it was on purpose ie secondary smoke for a reaction then they should loose custody of thier kids.


OD is easy for ANYONE that consumes MJ, smoking is different because its instant and U know how much to have, Eating MJ can take 2-3 hrs to hit.

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Anyone and YES that means you if it applies, Needs seriously fucking up if they allow their kids to get stoned,


Once they know it for themselves Im sure they wont be brain washed by some church well then thay can make up their own minds.


Im guessing your refering to younger kids in your reply otherwise your statements just contradict each other


Anyway no need for everyone to chuck a hissy, as id say what happened in that article would never be conducted by a member on this board.


The problem i see with this is the bad publicity that it will be constantly used for, im sure shit like this happens with other drugs with kids drinking their parents piss and the only place you see this reported is on a current afair, but damn this sucks.

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Guest Field_of_Light

Bling hit the nail on the head there....I have only ever seen two differtent people basically force their kids to breathe in mj smoke..


BUT I have seen shitloads of kids being given a mouthful or two of alcohol...and some kids going around drinking all the dregs o the cans under their parents eyes..


Alcohol is more socially accpeted...people like to say their growing kids drink...but not too many will proudly say they smoke weed...social stigmitisation and all that...


But then I think ...(and yes Ive said this before)..... people up to the age of 18 shouldnt smoke or drink....full stop

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That isn't an overdose.


Because it's a natural substance it's almost impossible to overdose on it. You'd have to mainline it(Inject) of Inject(Eat) to overdose. Smoking it's impossible because you'll pass out before you can smoke too much.


Those kids were most likely throwing up, not an overdose. An overdose is where the person becomes pale all over. Not just the face, but the palms of the hands as well, and the inside of the knees.


Their skin becomes very soft and dry. The eyes refuse to open, even when opened by hand. Respiration is very deep and movement is impossible.


The only cure for an overdose is either synthetic starch given from a doctor, or sugar cane juice(Jamacians know all about this)

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The problem i see with this is the bad publicity that it will be constantly used for, im sure shit like this happens with other drugs with kids drinking their parents piss and the only place you see this reported is on a current afair, but damn this sucks.


what the fuck, bad publicity for pot?? . You think this wouldnt have been on the TV if a 3 and 4 year old was hopitalised for alcohol poisoning??


I think most people know that pot isnt safe for a fucking 3 or 4 year old kid. If they dont it needs some media attention bought to it.


The problem I see with this is that 2 kids we're abused, not the bad publicity for marijuana. This was reported like any other child abuse case, but "marijuana" replaced usual words like cardboard box or razorblade or whatever.


By the way did anyone notice early on in the day the kids were 2 and 3 years old. aging rapidly.

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Bling hit the nail on the head there....I have only ever seen two differtent people basically force their kids to breathe in mj smoke..


BUT I have seen shitloads of kids being given a mouthful or two of alcohol...and some kids going around drinking all the dregs o the cans under their parents eyes..


Alcohol is more socially accpeted...people like to say their growing kids drink...but not too many will proudly say they smoke weed...social stigmitisation and all that...


But then I think ...(and yes Ive said this before)..... people up to the age of 18 shouldnt smoke or drink....full stop

smoking is not the same as drinking. I see nothing wrong with giving a kid a sip of beer or wine if they want to taste it. Its not the least bit unhealthy and won't get them drunk. Take a hit from a pipe or joint though and its a different storey.


I mean who are we kidding anyway, once kids are in their mid to late teens they are going to start going to parties and 90% chance they will be drinking, having ciggies and possibly doing some pot if someone brings some. The key is to educate them into not overdoing it and stay away from the harder stuff. For this you need good parental control. Until your kid is 18 don't let them go out all the time and don't let them get shitfaced every weekend. Once kids are left to their own devices thats when you start to get problems.

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apparently they fed the kids a pasta sauce that they forgot contained MJ.


Personally I'm not willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. If the kids got into a cookie jar hidden away then I might have some sympathy, but how could they feed them pot food without realising it? Seems like a bit of a stretch to me. I reckon they did it as a stupid joke that they thought would be funny and it went bad on them. They should be locked up.

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