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Super Cropping

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Oooppps, I think you've been told here. Know what you're talking about before labelling people dickheads :thumbdown:

You say That plant doesn't look crash hot but if you grow 7 plants in a 3x3m room with lighting from the top that would be about the right size. Really you want the bud that is getting the most light, the tops. I strip mine out similairly to this so all the goodness goes to the top buds. I remove all leaf and bud from under scrog net. I have 1 plant in a 3x3m room and so having 7 in that space would give each a canopy about that size.

I 'tip and top' all of mine as well, but only twice. Mine is SCROG and I spread it out. This means that at each point that a leaf grows from the stem, there is a bud. Spreading it out allows the full intensity of the light to penetrate what would otherwise be canopy and allow those buds, that would be in the shade of the canopy, to develope along the stem.

Supercropping is quite different. For those who do supercrop with success, good for you. My attempt was a complete cockup. So I now stick to what I know works for me and my setup. And that is tipping and topping. I don't tie down as such but I keep all veg growth below my SCROG net, turn 12/12 and allow the growth to then grow through the netting. So I am training it but no ties and I try NOT to damage the stems.



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Just on that... In the "Best of High Times 1989" There is the best photo layout and guide for super-cropping, fimmimng, tipping, topping, lollypopping, etc. Basically all the High Stress Training Techniques in one excellent article. If anyone out there happens to have a copy, could I please get a copy?:please: I had it years ago and I lost it in a move and have been looking for it since. Tried High Times Mag, but it was before they went digital, so they might have some copies in archives, somewhere..................... Fucking stoners!
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How much yield from 1 plant, under 1 1000w, do you think is achievable?


Pound n half max i reackon unless ya running a light mover ya can maybe double that but thts gona be in a space of like 1 meter wide by 2 long......i still doubt unless ya growing vert u can pull more than 1.5lbs outa a 1.2 by 1.2 meter area....DRY WEIGHT.........ya just run outa of room for the buds......i dont care if ya got 3k over 1 plant...if its still in a 1.2 by 1.2 meter area where does the plant grow?????????

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