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An anti-cancer info bomb

buzz lighthead


If any one is interested I found a North Irish version of OZ stoners, who have posted a big kick arse list of articles that support the evidence of cannabinoids fighting cancer. May it help quiet the nay sayers and skeptics.





Plus some heavier egghead reading
























Now I know I am preaching to the choir on this but I am being driven crazy by skeptical people claiming that this is a myth, or nutty stoner stuff. My son died of leukemia and I'd like to prevent that happening to anyone else. If you know anyone that thinks THC is just for stoners to get high send them a bomb of info too complex to be bullshit. Yes I know that any idiot can google this stuff, but it's apparent they don't, that's why I gathered and posted in one neat little package!

Knowledge is power! :jedifight

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Thanks for that, yes it really is amazing how suppressed the information on cannabis is and the only explanation I can see is the fact that present day governments are too embarrassed to admit that they have made a huge mistake in regards to the whole illegality of cannabis. We all make mistakes so its about time that this wrong is rectified so as to stop the suffering of sick people. TV documentaries about cannabis seem to be getting through to people if they get to see them. Hope everyone is signing the petition for their state for medical use of cannabis.
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No problem, it seems to help if all the info is there in one place. I just have one question for y'all... Who can we bitch slap with all this? Journos? Politicians? Friends, family and neighbours? I'd really like this to be in the public arena for disussion and examination but I have no idea how to go about such a thing. Any ideas would be highly welcomed. :helpsmilie:
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