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great bud! bad bugs!

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hi all, after a long time tryin, i finally got my hands on a great strain and now for the first time ever i have them, and i now also have those nasty little bastards ''spider mites'':wallbash:, murphy's law i guess!! i used a product called ''eco-oil'' as recommended by my local, but either i didnt treat them enough or it just didnt work! either way i thought i had em beat but the resiliant little bastards are still there and worse, they seem to have enjoyed the oil cause its now got to the stage where im seein webs at the nodes!!>:( the oil says that it should not be used on sensitive flowers (are buds sensitive flowers?) so it doesnt look like im goin to be able to treat them with that again (id b shattered if i focked em now). can anyone suggest a good product that i could use that wont affect the flowers and that isnt to harsh on the final product. i should probably add that i used the eco-oil because it was natural product and my partner has breast cancer so we are tryin to avoid any harmful chemicals if possible!! im pretty much an absolute novice when it comes to growin so any info would be greatly appreciated!!




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