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possums; what to do?

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I've heard of a product called "Skunkshot" for dogs and cats, not sure if it works for possums tho.... aside from that I can't help ya, never encountered them as a problem to growing, but then again, I live in a city.


Aside from that, you could try some citronella liberally doused a couple of meters away from the plants in a circle around em, should deter most creatures with noses.... That's all I got man... sorry... :) :D

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Possums and wallabies are the biggest cunts in the world.


Get a shitload of chickwire, couple of stakes, and make a cage to keep your plants in. If people have been growing in your area you will probably find a few.


Anyway, seal the cage at the top.


The way I did it was to take up cardboard boxes full of plants in little 150mm nursery pots, and then take up a bunch of bigger 30cm pots and a bag of perlite, and mix it with the soil at the sites in the pots.


Anyways, once your plants are really well estabilished and growing good, you dont need to worry at all. possums will eat a few leaves here and there but not enough to effect big plants. move em into the real bush at about 3ft into the ground.

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