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Growing In Sydney Outdoors In Winter

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Hello I'm basically new to these forums I've been looking for some help about growing outdoors in winter, I live in sydney I recently got some seeds of a friend of mine I have no clue on what strain or anything by the looks of them there old. I wanted to know if anyone has got any tips for growing outdoors since it's my first time too.



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Tip #1, wait for spring. Won't do to much good outdoors at the moment.

But if you are determined then you will have to extend the daylight hours somewhat by putting a light on them at night time.

Frost's are starting to come in where I am at so probably not to far away in the big smoke either, which means almost certain death for any poor cannabis plant that is unlucky enough to be left out in it!

There are many more things that want to work against you at this time of year outside as well.


Good luck with it though.


Indian. :peace:

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A friend of mine got a plant going around April last year, and it came out just fine. It wasn't as potent as the stuff he harvested during the fall, but hey, it worked out! :thumbsup:

And he didn't give it any special care either. He lived around the lower north shore, they normally don't get any frost there, so I am not sure about your area. Growing indoors will almost always give u better results and it's easier to take care of, but I understand your concerns about the elctricity bill... the increases in electricity prices lately have been horrendous :S

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