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Heya Cheeza welcome here :thumbsup: and great question too ..

mate i can tell you i have shared a couple of cones with a girl and within about 5 mins she had an epileptic fit

but she had never told me she was epileptic and it freaked me out something chronic .. until i figured that was what it was

thats all i know about it from experience ,


but my opinion is that anyone suffering from epileptic seizures would be ill-advised to use Cannabis



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My Step Brother was epileptic and provided he had his medication he was ok, as soon as he came off it the fits were quite regular. Horrible shit to watch, but wasn't really affected by smoking which he did regularly. Had a mate that was also Epileptic and had to stop smoking as he would have adverse reactions. I'm with Frazz though, don't think it's worth it. Edited by smokinjoe
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I have epilepsy, had my first fit when I was eighteen it was brought on through consuming too much alchohol. I have had some fits that have been brought on by pot, though it seems to be related to low blood sugar. Every epileptic is different and also there are many types of epilepsy mine is nocturnal so I have to have been asleep and fit upon wakening it is well controled now though with medication. I have to be carefull not to go overboard and be conservative with my intake. Edited by hermananian
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..... though it seems to be related to low blood sugar. .....


My father has left front temporal lobe epilepsy and diabetes and has also noticed the correlation between his blood sugar and how it affects his epilepsy.

TLE is apparently the hardest type of epilepsy to treat. Dad's not currently on any medication for it and doesn't seem to have too many issues, thankfully.


He does from time to time have the very occassional puff, but it is just that, a toke or two when I'm having a joint, as it helps when the pressure in his eye gets up. He's not got glaucoma (yet) and we're hoping to hold it off with a coupla tokes when he needs it.

It doesn't seem to upset his epilepsy thankfully, in fact, I think it seems to help him a little bit, but each person's epilepsy is different.


I personally would advise AGAINST using cannabis if you have epilepsy unless properly supervised. And by properly supervised, I mean someone who knows and understands that you are epileptic, and know what to do if you were to seize.


The first time I was witness to a grand mal seizure I freaked out for a moment, even though I know she was epileptic. Even now, I would probably be thrown for a loop but think I would respond accordingly. :)


Stay Safe.

:freak: Rose.

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Hi everyone thanks for you replies and input. along with eplilepsy, i suffer from sever depression and annarexia as yuou may have also ready. But my main use is for sleep deprevation and and the fact that i have absolutely no tollerance to pain killers wat so ever!! this suxs big time. I have been using for about 13 years now after i was introduced to it for pain and for the fact that i build a massive appetite wen stoned meaning i could help cure my annarexia. but at that stage i was not diagnosed eplileptic. I was a diagnosed after i had my last son about 8 years ago. i have used on and off for most of these years but never been a really big time smoker. But i have had some big sessions lately and have felt like im going to have a fit. the first few times i put it down to been way to stoned lol but it has kept happening and thought fuck dont tell me after these years im now gunna get adverse reactions!! ARRGGHHHH!!


Well i need to figure out the lesser of the two evils and from my background i can tell you continued pain and no meds are no good and if i stop smoking, my annarexia due to a life time of depression will only get worse so......looks like a i should be takin some of your advise and make sure i only smoke wen i have good mates around who know my seizures and are prepared to be on alert should something happen. Thank god nothing as yet has but ya never know wat the furture holds.


Thanks again for all your advise


cheers :bongon:

Edited by CHEZZA
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Hi everyone thanks for you replies and input. along with eplilepsy, i suffer from sever depression and annarexia as yuou may have also ready. But my main use is for sleep deprevation and and the fact that i have absolutely no tollerance to pain killers wat so ever!! this suxs big time. I have been using for about 13 years now after i was introduced to it for pain and for the fact that i build a massive appetite wen stoned meaning i could help cure my annarexia. but at that stage i was not diagnosed eplileptic. I was a diagnosed after i had my last son about 8 years ago. i have used on and off for most of these years but never been a really big time smoker. But i have had some big sessions lately and have felt like im going to have a fit. the first few times i put it down to been way to stoned lol but it has kept happening and thought fuck dont tell me after these years im now gunna get adverse reactions!! ARRGGHHHH!!


Well i need to figure out the lesser of the two evils and from my background i can tell you continued pain and no meds are no good and if i stop smoking, my annarexia due to a life time of depression will only get worse so......looks like a i should be takin some of your advise and make sure i only smoke wen i have good mates around who know my seizures and are prepared to be on alert should something happen. Thank god nothing as yet has but ya never know wat the furture holds.


Thanks again for all your advise


cheers :bongon:

When you get really stoned your bloodsugar drops and I have found this is when I feel a fit coming on. I find if I eat something straight away when my blood sugar drops it goes away. As I said in my earlier post moderation is the key.

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