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Growing outdoors in winter

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G'day Tom.


If you are talking frost I'd be led to think you may be down my way, Vic. If so, there isn't a lot I can say to encourage you for a winter grow outdoors. You can extend daylight by using lamps with a timer, but it's not going to be easy or produce very much. You have to have heat, summer heat, outdoors, to get the full value from your crop, no matter what anyone says. I've been growing out doors for over 30 years and can hold my own there. If I were you I'd wait till around Melbourne Cup day and have seedlings well established for then. If I can help you at that time feel free to ask. You could start work on your outdoor plot, lots of manure, compost, lime, blood and bone, Go-Go juice (a plant pro-biotic), lots of straw (horse stall straw is great) and dig, dig, dig. Turbo charge your soil time now. I have been working mine for the last month and by spring it will have the seedlings raging. Starting now all those things are going to be well broken down and all the goodness will be available to the seedlings. Try to encourage worms, lots of manure will help there. Remember, P,P,P,P,P, or preparation prevents piss poor performance. :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:



Hey Mate,


I am planning and absorbing a lot of knowledge about the growing process in general. I am reading the books from Jorge Cervantes to know as much as possible about the process. In Holland I've grown once a yield of 2kg with a mate. In Dutch Climate it will take at least 3 months to harvest in outdoors.

I am querious about the Australian conditions in climate and sunlight hours, how this affects the plants in their growing speed and harvest time. Do you know how I can plant 50 plants outdoor if I still have to order the seeds and get them growing? It is a biit difficult to grow in the house because of other people.


The reason why I am writing to you is because, you are experienced in the field I believe.


Thanks for reading.


cheers, Mr.Ice

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"Australian conditions" vary (south to north) from Cool to Temperate, through Mediterranean and onto Tropical. The conditions will depend on latitude, the only thing that I can say that covers all the different climate bands is that sativas do better than indicas in the shorter spring/summer days.
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G'day Tom.


Start your seedlings about a month before you want to plant. Use a container that will allow for healthy root growth, I'd recommend something around 150mm diameter, as a good starting point. Start them in jiffy pots, they are fool proof and work well to give the plants a good start, sink the jiffy pots into good quality propogation mix and keep just moist. Put them somewhere where they get the morning light and is warm, give them a little tlc and you will be away. Out door growing isn't hard at all, it's easier than indoor and a lot less expensive, but we have no need to discuss that now. Get your plot well sorted and you shouldn't have any worries. Your plot should, ideally, face north/north east. Take this as gospel, DON'T TELL ANYONE, what you are up to, this will help prevent very unpleasant things from happening, such as rip off's and the Nazi's. A bit of hard yakka now will bring good results, gauranteed. Contact me if I can be of any help. Also remember Sativa will probably grow tall, 7-8 ft, no problem, maybe bigger, so a Sativa-Indica hybrid would be good. I like Sativa outdoors, because it's very tough. A hybrid should help with the size issues, and you should still get a good harvest. :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

Edited by Auntynorm
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Hey all,

I live in Brissy and want to start my seedlings now to grow in a month. Any tips before I get my hands dirty, I thought I might try a cheap plastic hothouse, do I need that here?



hay misha , just put em outside in sun dureing the day, when light startys faiding bring em in under anylight i do , for another 2 hours , to keep it in veg .


an do that till enda august or soon as you get 14 houres of sunlight bongon.gif i think indica strains handle the cold a lil better , well min e dont seem to care ,


anything under around 8 deg they suffer outside with cover over em an green mesh around them , after 2 weeks indicas didnt , so i just shove em in the gararge of night , its been 5 deg her over night last few days an there was a 1 deg there sumwere lol , thumbup.gif






this all i did it workd all rite for couple extra hours , i use fluros now


post-40169-0-82023000-1306346020_thumb.jpg i




ow im in sydney west so you should get away with it ,

Edited by smashed1
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