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Growing outdoors in winter

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G'day Tom.


If you are talking frost I'd be led to think you may be down my way, Vic. If so, there isn't a lot I can say to encourage you for a winter grow outdoors. You can extend daylight by using lamps with a timer, but it's not going to be easy or produce very much. You have to have heat, summer heat, outdoors, to get the full value from your crop, no matter what anyone says. I've been growing out doors for over 30 years and can hold my own there. If I were you I'd wait till around Melbourne Cup day and have seedlings well established for then. If I can help you at that time feel free to ask. You could start work on your outdoor plot, lots of manure, compost, lime, blood and bone, Go-Go juice (a plant pro-biotic), lots of straw (horse stall straw is great) and dig, dig, dig. Turbo charge your soil time now. I have been working mine for the last month and by spring it will have the seedlings raging. Starting now all those things are going to be well broken down and all the goodness will be available to the seedlings. Try to encourage worms, lots of manure will help there. Remember, P,P,P,P,P, or preparation prevents piss poor performance. :guitar: :guitar: :guitar:

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Thanks again guys, I think I will take Auntynorms suggestion and prepare my ground for Melbourne Cup day.

Probably getting off topic now however, how early should I sprout my seeds to plant out on Melbourne Cup day,

remembering I only have the ground to put them in and no fancy lighting rigs etc.

You have probably figured by now I'm a newcomer to growing and you would be correct.

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Hey Prheakah thats sick to hear that you could grow something through winter in perth (were i am too). My dilema is i have a beautifull fragrant plant that is 3 weeks into flowering now i guess there going to need at least 6 to 7 more weeks.Wich means that i will be growing into late june early july could any of you help me in answering this question any answers would be greatly appreciated.Would my plant get away bidding into early july without getting any damage done or lack of harvest? thankss
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