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Potash and PK 13-14?

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Whats your medium ?

Are you using actual potash or a product? IF product whats the npk?




Medium is perlite..run to waste.. 2 girls under a 600w each (1200w total)


Retailer talked me into this one, grabbed it and took home to read instructions etc.. but when I looked

at it there is barely any info.



Nulife Technologies : WeightPlus Potassium 1 litre..


There is absolutely nothing on the bottle regarding ingredients..WTF..


He said it was potash...I just took his word for it because I ain't ever used it or know what it should look like..

is it potash?


What would you recommend on a res or weekly basis, in conjunction with PK 13-14?




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npk is 0-8-17


This is fine. Infact Ive just bought potash plus which has a similar pk ratio. Seems that some companies are now turning too higher K levels in their PK additives.


So its probably even better than the pk 13-14 if you subcribe too the "p myth".....


Fucked if I know .


Anyway wheres the pics?



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