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The NCPIC Disscussion Thread

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I wouldn't waste my time asking Jan any more questions guys..... She is clearly uneducated on this subject and clearly misinformed. In her mind she is right and has the correct info she needs and will dismiss anything the doesn't fit in with hertextbook education. Don't be fooled into thinking she is here to help us in anyway. The less we have to do with people like her the better off we will be in of cause/fight.


The textbook education these days advocates cannabis legalization. So if she is goiong to be a "life long learner" (which is expected of all educated people) Then she should respect the research of the time. The problem isn't with education the problem is with archaic ideas..I feel sorry for these people becasue they have been brainwashed so heavily that they can't even recognise current research.... It's the elephant in the room that nobody can see....

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There's still a lot of people who think binge drinking is safer than any form of consuming pot. Those people were depicted in the movie 'Dumb and Dumber'.


There's a lot of people who don't even think alcohol is a drug! der... (not you, them)


On an unrelated topic, with the budget just been announced allowing more money for mental health, who interprets this as more money for cannabis prevention propaganda? I bet the NCPIC gets a slice!

(BTW I have no problem with mental health programs that are honest and productive!)

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NCPIC Research: we conduct a range of original research projects, some funded by other research bodies such as NH&MRC. These include telephone, web and mail delivered interventions, better tools to measure cannabis use and our new study using Sativex for cannabis withdrawal which is a mouth spray of THC & CBD. Check our website to learn about our latest studies. In general terms we access our information in the accepted scientific manner searching databases where peer reviewed articles are in a searchable form. Our materials are in turn peer reviewed before posting.I am not aware of any trials using smoked herbal cannabis and see no reason to do so when Sativex is available to scientists as a botanical pharmaceutical of known cannabinoid dose and combination, which is organically grown and not smoked & doesn't have to be swallowed when people are feeling nauseous.NCPIC is not funded to work on medicinal cannabis as it is a specialist science. I am happy to pass on any contacts I may have to assist publicising should this board be established.

Credit to you Jan, an adimarable task trying to swey the growing public opinion that cannabis laws are outdated and that banning the medical use of marijuana is a barbaric infringment on human rights, that directly causes untold suffering. In saying this, there is one thing i cannot accept from a public service department, especially in a democratic society, it is proppagandah.


A quick look at your website made me aware of your current strategy promoting the dire effects cannabis use has on athletic performance. Let's get real! Of course if you run onto the field baked out of your head you're not going to have the best game, to say the least.


But Jan is it contradictory to claim that cannabis use is detrimental to athletic performance and yet remind us in the same article (Cannabis and Sport Factsheet or shit), that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has banned the use of it, due to it's potetial to improve athletic performance?


I speak from personal experience as an internationally competitive endurance athlete, the secret to cannabis doping, is not it's use in competition, rather it's use as an effective recovery method AFTER training and competition. I can only give educated anecdotal evidence due to a lack of reseach studies on the topic, but certainly the increased heart rate, and lowered stroke volume is effective in removing waste products from the muscle as well as increasing blood flow and oxygen availability allowing muscles to repair faster, in the same way that caffein is proven to improve recovery rate after training. Cannabis has the added effect of relaxing the mind and body which i find helps with the recovery method of progressive muscle relaxation, a recognised recovery method.


As an athlete I'm all for anti-doping laws, so go ahead and discourage people from using marijuana on the basis that when they compete in international competition they may have to face the concequences. But don't claim that pot is detrimental to performance because of a nonsensicle situation (competing high).


So please stop misusing the public's trust in the government. Feel free to replace your misinformed, under-reseached and under-referenced fact sheet with something closer resembling the reality of marijuana in sport.


One last point, in your first in response to the question, "What research are you doing?"

you said,


NCPIC Research: we conduct a range of original research projects, some funded by other research bodies such as NH&MRC. These include telephone, web and mail delivered interventions, better tools to measure cannabis use and our new study using Sativex for cannabis withdrawal which is a mouth spray of THC & CBD. Check our website to learn about our latest studies. In general terms we access our information in the accepted scientific manner searching databases where peer reviewed articles are in a searchable form. Our materials are in turn peer reviewed before posting.I am not aware of any trials using smoked herbal cannabis and see no reason to do so when Sativex is available to scientists as a botanical pharmaceutical of known cannabinoid dose and combination, which is organically grown and not smoked & doesn't have to be swallowed when people are feeling nauseous.NCPIC is not funded to work on medicinal cannabis as it is a specialist science. I am happy to pass on any contacts I may have to assist publicising should this board be established.


I certainly don't consider, telephone, web and mail interventions 'research', my understanding is these interventions include information pamphlets on the negative concequences of cannabis use. Research, really?

Researching the effectiveness of sativex certainly doesn't help the public make an informed decision on the harms of cannabis, which is your aim first and foremost.


At risk of doing your job for you, might I suggest you conduct research on the addictiveness of marijuana, before you start researching ways of helping the hopelessly addicted pot-fiends to quit.


I, like most, have much more to say on the topic.


Thank you for your time.

Edited by Day
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On the subject of pot for sports performance, I've known a few people at amateur level who have had a few small puffs before a game in order to open up the airways. They were regular smokers and just a few small puffs didn't effect their physical abilities. Personally, as someone with asthma I've been tempted to try this, however for me even a small amount of pot would make me pretty slow on the field :crybaby: :rofl:
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The domain name (ncpic.org.au) is registered by the University of New South Wales.


Registrant:                      UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES
Registrant ID:                   ABN 57195873179
Eligibility Type:                Incorporated Association




Here is the explanation, I guess: Research/National Research Centres.


Seems strange that the University would be involved with an organisation whose purpose is to spread disinformation when there is scientific evidence to disprove NCPIC.

Edited by daemon
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