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transferring inside to outside


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I have two sativa babies under fluros which i want to transfer outdoors. Problem is their day cycle at the mo. is during the night so if i put them outdoors during the day(at the end of their "day" cycle) they will get probably 28 hours of solid light. Is this a problem or can any of you growers suggest some way to do it?


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The light isn't the problem, it's the dark. You don't want the change in lighting periods to force it into flower. This early in spring, things are still getting warm, and the daylight hours are starting to stretch, so plants that have gone through the winter months are noticing the change in night length and starting to vegetate... Not many mj plants make it through winter, but it's been done... many times indoors... :D Anyway, if you've got the plants inside on a long day short night photoperiod, say 18/6, and you move it outside and the daylength is only 13/11, then the plants are going to take this as a signal that winter is here, regardless of the slowly lengthening days... The plant will start to flower, and then realise after it's acclimatised itself that it's getting longer days, and eventually start to revert... You'll get a sort of stalled flowering, is what I'm trying to say... But putting them out at the end of the "day" indoors, and then going through more light won't do much to it... It might not know what the fuck is going on, but it shouldn't do too much. But when it realises that the night is so much longer for it now... well....


My advice? Give em a prune and hold on to them a bit longer indoors if possible till the light/dark hours outdoors get to be a bit closer to normal vegging. Or, you could support their veg by giving extra light in the evening or morning outdoors, even a couple of flouro's would do it, just turn em onto the plants in the evening after the sun goes down and it'll keep the plant vegging through these short early spring hours... Shouldn't be too long now tho, the days are getting longer and longer now...


I hope that made sense, and didn't just confuse you more.... I've had a couple of cones this morning so I'm a little fuzzy... anyway... *goes off to smoke more cones, muttering* ::wacko::

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Nah, you're right, i had thought of just chopping the top main bud and fan leaves and leaving them for a good few weeks so they thicken up before i put them outodoors(it is still cold at night here in SA). As long as i keep the night cycle of the plant right(and not the day hours) when i transfer them they should be ok and not turn hermaphro on me. I've had a few cones as well but being a outdoor grower i need a little advice when it comes to artificial lights and cycles

Thanks Mr Skywalker.....

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im in sa and my nights are about 5 degrees colder than adelaide at the moment where i live i've had a number of plants that came from 24/0 and 18/6 (opposite cycle like you)some have been there for nearly 2 weeks some a few days .i know that all of my bigger plants are females.they have had a big growth spurt since being outside and have sofare shown no sign of it starting to bud :wacko: .so im in the same boat as you...good luck to both of us.hh. :D
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Guest Urbanhog



"Having trolls means that you have really arrived as a celeb in cyber-world,otherwise they would not bother."-GN


Just noticed that your signiture is the same as Feild of Light?????



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"Having trolls means that you have really arrived as a celeb in cyber-world,otherwise they would not bother."-GN


Just noticed that your signiture is the same as Feild of Light?????



:wacko: was about to ask that myself... :D


hey dazza, hows it been?...matey, just put em out in a sheltered spot and let them get moving a bit before you plant them and youre set. "happy easter dude..."



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Guest Field_of_Light

Im just trialling at the moment....but have put some babies outside...and shit...the wind got em and I thought they would helicopter away from me but they just are ending up with very thick stems....


Wahoo...hopefully they wont flower altho that have been dropped from 24/7 to 13 hours light a day.....but hey I needed to sex em anyhow.......


and after their initial shock from going from fluros to full sun and some weird leaf burn they are recovering nicely.....

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