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Depression relief



Hi all. i am new to the site. I have used for years and at 52 years I am using more for depression relief than pure enjoyment, although it is still an enjoyable thing to do. I generally grow my own but am looking at finding specific seeds for depression and wonder if any data has been collected on this. Cheers
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First of hey.

I am a young user, i have been using weed mixed medical/recreational. Personaly i have anxiety and depression (mums bi polar). I do take meds other than weed like lovan, but only when out of my cannabis. Im trialing my dosage at the moment, with no specific strain. I find it helps, as when im medicated im way more calm and less negative, all though i tend to not have a fuse, when im annoyed. I am still convincing people on my argument, unimformed people are hard to convert.

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Hi magenta,


If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been smoking to combat depression? Did you try other things before deciding weed was the way to go?

I'm asking because I sometimes do the same thing, but I sort of see it as more of a short-term fix than anything.



Hey gabzilla,



I do have other meds I use as well as the weed. I am on an SSRI antidepressant.

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Hi Magenta,

Sorry things are tough for you. the Old Black Dog's a real bitch :thumbdown: .. got about 10 packets of ant-depressants that i've been prescribed, but never taken. I'd have the script filled, pay a bloody fortune for the crap and then couldn't bring myself to take them.. Taking Valiums as required just stops me from sleeping at all and give me dry horrors.. So i just stick with my smoke and that makes me happy and better able to deal with life in a relaxed and pretty stress free way..

Although i do not recommend anyone follow my example as we are all different in what we need to be healthy.


There is a strains guide in OS that might be able to assist you in finding a strain suitable for your requirements.


Jabez has given you some great advise too. I know personally that eating healthy, and getting out every day whether i feel like it or not is a major help.. It's really hard to concentrate on one thing when you're walking or just generally out and about.. Walking also promotes good breathing. Breathing exercises are very helpful for depression.

Do you have a dog to walk? Might be worth thinking about getting a pet..


Take care


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Hey Magenta, White Widow, early harvested 70% clear trichs 30% amber. If that doesnt get you happy nothing will. :) Theres a reason its been a staple in the dam for so long, it makes people happy! Sure theres plenty more out there. I gotta admit, taking care of yourself and getting out in the sun helps a lot too to keep the black dog at bay. Peace. Gh72


Thanks for the tip....have ordered from amnesia...white widow fem....cheers :thumbsup:

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