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dads going to try hemp oil , lol



hi all finaly talk dad into trying hemp oil , he has limphomia hucthison , (he might even try a couple drags of a joint ,


hes going to see his specialist at westmead hoss an see what he can get , his 79 years old so will be interesting to see what they say to him , an thanks radic :thumbsup: for your info , hope they help him or its gona be expensive ,


an ill do a sorta dairy ( no pics ) so people can follow an see what hapens hope it can help someone , cheers all

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:applause: good one Smashed.. My mum has Canna- cookies and Canna- choc fudge brownies we make for her and she's 80.. Side effects for her are pasty mouth and strange a sensation of Frank Sinatra singing in her head when she goes to bed lol ..

Please keep us updated with how it helps your dad, and best wishes for his future health


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you rule smashed1

big uppz bro

nuff raspect



tolerance to cannabis is crucial for first timerz

if your dad has no tolerance to cannabis,.,.

then start off with light doses at about 1/10g of hash oil or 0.1g of hash oil in the morning

and heaver doses at night 0.2g

,.,.,.-->for 1wk or till he feels comfie

as we slowly build up his tolerance keep him happy and feeling safe play nice music.,.burn some incense.,., make hippy jokes.., deep and meaningful raves.,., just keep the irey vibes happening

next wk increase to 0.2g in the morning and 0.3g to sleep with

the next wk you should be right to go to 0.25g---> four times a day for the next 30 days

that should dowit

some people like to do a full 60 day course it may even be much shorter than a 30 day cure you and your dads doctors will judge that


check this youtube clip for more pon dose rates

it called Vitamin Cannabis




irey guidance

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I really hope your Dad gathers the courage to try cannabis and has wonderful results. Most people like to do the right thing in regards to the law, so trying cannabis as a medicine cannot be against the law especially if it works which we are finding now that it does with so many illnesses. This is not a legal issue but a medical emergency that requires urgent government intervention.


Great advice as always Radic, on the dosage rates etc.

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Hey mate how's it going with your ol'man. I was wondering if you had sat him down in front of youtube and showed him all the video's on medical Marijuana. Maybe start with the 1 of Barrack Obama where he hasn't a issue with doctors perscibing cannabis. Or check the 1 just posted in medical cannabis thread, about the 2yo (youngest cannabis patient) amazing. He has choc chip cookies.
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hay all i dont think there going to do much ? maybe 5 years down the track but see what they say :scratchin: , i told him a ozz is 300 :greedy:


n i can make it an he went abit quite then lol an white , might get to set a full room up now :thumbsup: :whistle: he sees docs on 5 may ,

Whats the update? How did it go 5th of May?

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