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topping up and nute change periods

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Everything i have read says that you have to change the nutes/water in your dwc bucket every 10 to 14 days and if during that time keep water level up so it doesnt concentrate in the bucket burning your plant/plants.But i have just read this -


It is only necessary to change your nutrient out for two reasons. One, because you are raising the nute levels and PPM s to correspond with your schedule and growth rates. Two, you have topped up the nute solution with equal amounts of water, to amount of nute solution you originally put in. So if you had 2 gallons of nute solution to start with and over whatever time period you replace it accumulatively with two gallons of water, it’s time for new nutes. The nute manufacturers and Hydro shop owners would love you to think “ I have to change these out every week to ten days,,,,,,,,†whatever length of time you heard. Not necessary, just more sales for them as you use it up unnecessarily.


So i am confused should i replace the nutes and water every 10 to 14 days or keep topping up untill i have topped up with the same amount of water as the nute solution was in the begining?Im thinking that this may keep the alge in the bucket building up as even after 10 days there is slime in the bucket and on the airlines that has to be cleaned off before you refile your bucket.

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Hi there KTM

Look my setup ain't DWC, but my plant uses about 3-6 litres/day. I top that up daily with water, one: to lower the salt level Two: to top up my brain. Then every two weeks that fluid gets thrown out(put on the Mrs' herb garden)and a fresh mix of pH adjusted nutes is started.


Now you talk of algae and slime.

Algae needs light and if you have nutrient rich fluid that light can get to, algae will form. I've heard of people using white plastic buckets for DWC but if light can penetrate the wall of the bucket you will get algae. Go buy yourself a couple of rolls of the grey plastic gaffa tape and cover the sides of your buckets if that's what your using. Same with your brain, use black plastic, no light will penetrate.


Slime is a bit different. Light cannot get to my fluids but I still have a slimey build up on some surfaces, hoses etc. I consider this to be the salt build up and the crap the plant wants to get rid of. This is why I flush regularly as recommended.


As for the nutes, They "want more money" possibly, I want decent weed, definitely.


Flush it and flush it good, you can taste the difference :applause:



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