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cannabis and Diabetes



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Hey Mr G , can't tell you factually , just my experiences . My cannabis smoking experience is almost 30 yrs , my experience with IDDM is about 4 months ( since I woke up in Canberra hospital ICU 200k's from home ,my family told I was unlikely to survive ketoacidosis and myocardial infarc , and other fucked up shit ) .


Obviously you have been told not to smoke , I vaporise which covers the no smoking thing . My doctor told me to give up weed because it could interfere with heart meds , no mention of diabetes complications .

I haven't asked educator .


The only problem I see is that smoking weed can sometimes mimic a hypo . A light head and weak-floating-tingling sensation in arms , these are symptoms of hypo and effect of weed .

So if you are going to partake (and I do religulously 4 times a day ) make sure you have a grasp of what your BGL's are doing ,or if you are new to smoking ,make sure you are 5 m mol or above .


Weed I think is far less detrimental than alcohol . Weed feels like a hypo , alcohol will give you a hypo . Whilst liver is dealing with alcohol , it won't produce glycogen for glucose replenishment .

So , if you have to do weed or alcohol , weed is less damaging

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Just last week I was at home and channel flicked onto "Jim Learer Hour) a yankee news program and the topic was Diabetics and mj as a medication.

Anyway the woman involved moved from a mj prohibitive state to a mj tolerant state specificly to use mj as a medication.

They were interviewing two professors on the topic. One prof advocated mj as a medication saying it had seven benefits as a medication. He claimed it was good against seizures, depression and cancer and four other benefits I can't remember.

He claimed it could be smoked or injested in food etc, injested had much better results than smoked.

He claimed that mj has many complex properties which we don't understand yet and so , he advocates that the less interferance with the plant the better.


The second prof admitted that mj seemed to have positive results on patients however he thought that it should not be prescribed as medication until the science world finds out exactly what makes the plant work.


He also wanted to isolate the thc in the plant so that it can be put into a pill form of medication.


I guess you get the gist of the presentation by now.

The woman involved as the patient said, she didn't have time for the medical world to find out what made mj work so she has been using the plant as a medication against seizures and pain and it is working for her.


The program also explored the properties of the plant and could only conclude that it is a pretty amazing plant as well as complex. Apparently our bodies produce thc in small quantities.

THC tricks cancer cells into somehow destroying themselves.


Hope this helps.

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The program also explored the properties of the plant and could only conclude that it is a pretty amazing plant as well as complex. Apparently our bodies produce thc in small quantities.

THC tricks cancer cells into somehow destroying themselves.


I remember hearing something like this also, more so the fact that when injested through edibles, the body actually produces a chemica;, that is very similar in chemical build up as THC but not psyco active...something like that. Edibles suppose to be 3x stronger also, because of the human digestive system.

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@ tomScro

I'm not sure we're all on the same page here . I also saw a programme about a week ago on PBS newshour , about a woman , who was using MJ to treat seizures and had to move interstate to do so . Also had other attributes you describe , like the two doctors of opposing views and researcher claiming cannabis cancer cure . Sounds like what you are desrcribing . This was not about diabtetes . Seizures are not a symptom of diabetes .

Type 1 (juvenile ) diabetes is an autoimmune disease which has stopped the pancreas's ability to produce insulin . Insulin is a hormone which regulates blood glucose making sure your brain always has a supply before allowing other cells to use it . Type 2 (adult) diabetes is insulin resistant diabetes , you produce insulin but it isn't working well , probably because your cells are full of glucose already or are fatty preventing glucose uptake . Type 2 is characterised by obesity or poor food choices , eg too much rice , bread etc not enough veg , exercise (oversimplified ) . Complications are vascular disease ( heart attack , stroke , amputations ) , kidney disease , blindness .

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i am not a diabetic, but from the research and through word of mouth ive heard, it doesent matter if you smoke or injest thc, although, i wouldnt be going anywhere near any type of smoke with diabetes, if your already having poor movement of blood the smoking is only going to increase your chances of getting gangrene. Cheers
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I have had Type 1 (juvenile onset) diabetes for 32yrs. I have been a MJ smoker for 20yrs.


It has caused me no adverse control issues, and unlike drinking alcohol it doesn't cause my blood sugars to rise or fall.

When a person with diabetes ingests alcohol without food - it lowers the BGL's and can cause hypoglycemic attacks.

When they consume alcohol with food it raises the BGL's much higher than the food would alone - aka hyperglycemia.


When you are starting out smoking MJ it can be easy to mistake the symptoms of a hypo for the the feeling you get from being high.

It's simple to take regular blood glucose readings and monitor yourself until you have some experience.


Just like smoking cigarettes, smoking MJ will have repercussions in relation to your circulation which is a big thing to diabetics.

I know the facts but I choose to ignore them - I have smoked 40 a day since I was 16 so I'm pretty sure that I have done a lot of damage.


This is just my personal experience, so you should really experiment for yourself. Everyone's body is different and everybody reacts to things differently so what's good for the goose isn't always going to be good for the gander.


Jimbo :bongon:

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