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What nutes to give in flowering

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Hey im just curious cause ive never reached the flowering stage before. Im not sure of what ferts to use and when. My plant just started giving pre flowering signs and since shes a winter grow shes going to go straight into flowering. Point being my mate told me after the pistils become more I should start dosing it was with seasol sea weed fert which is high in potassium. Iv'e got guano bat shit which i shall use for phosphorus. Is this all I need. Basically he said to slowly increase the sea weed fert and put some bat shit in the pot and slowly decrease my nitrogen fert.


Cheers Syco

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Not sure on how ya growing or what medium, but im in coco and use Nf coco a and b all the way though with monsta bud first 2 weeks, grotek monsta bloom next 2 weeks, cana pk 13-14 week 5, with ozi tonic week 7 before i flush..


This is first run using the grotek monsta bloom and ozi tonic....and have had great results in the past without em so will let yas know if they make a difference:)

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im growin em in like like clay soil that i dug up in the grow scene. It looks pretty alright but the thing is all these ferts you guys completly confuses me. Why do people use so many differnt combinations of ferts. I know that they all contain differnt rations of NPK and all but cant you just find one or two differnt ferts like what I have proposed and increase dosage as the buds gets bigger. Plus i plan on using molasses just to see what happens.
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Currently I'm using Brunnings Bulbfood. Has any one used this? It has a higher P ratio and I'm hoping that this will swell the buds, I'm just in week 3 of flowering, but this is my first grow so I can't compare it with anything else.


I have seasol which I haven't used yet, should I use both?

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