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OK, for the boys who know whats goin on...

Took clones australia day from 2 plants that had just started flowering. ( pistils starting to shoot out )


Anyways have growen em cloned em got em fuckin big as in 30liter pots, now today as im doin my last bit of LST before i flip and i see some of my plants have pistils and what i think might be balls. Not groups of em but just 1 or 2 what looks like round sacks.


Question is can ya turn a plant hermi before ya even flip....and if so will a hermie fuck rest of ya crop


Trying get pics up ......usb cable looks rusted as fuck gimmie time

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Heya PPG =), Damn those little balls!!!!!!!! Mate, sounds like those are the hermi version of preflowers to me.

. I seen a few of these things when a mate 'gifted ' me what he said was a stable strain awhile back, every time I grew the bloody thing outside it threw balls.

Not alot, like yours, but enough to shit up my plant with seed( and not the good kind ya wanna keep). Some people pick off the balls. I reckon its an excercise in futility, you can never get em all and the ones you don't see usual open up un-noticed. Did you notice any seed in the plant that you took the clones from? If she is still going I would be having a good look over her and check for balls too.

Hermies will pollenate anything nearby. Can only 100% confirm with Photos though, after ya get the autosol on the USB connector. lol.

I hope it's not Hermi for ya man, they sound like they would be monsters. Peace. Gh72

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hey ppg, ive had very similar situation with bagseed, just one or two here and there but to make matters worse i found the pollen released to be very viable

but hey yours might be different only time would tell eh

its a real ball-buster when you get so far only to be snookered



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Ok well photos from camera to playstation, to USb, to Computer and now to OZstoners lol.....


Well took me 20 mins find these to examples to its not happing real quick but it is happening i think.


post-16360-0-06638300-1301983799_thumb.jpg post-16360-0-79933500-1301983904_thumb.jpg


And just a few of the rest of the grow


Started in 8.1 liter pots now in 30 liter total of 12 but 3 of em may have the balls rest r some sort of sativa cross

But got fuckload of clones from both just bout rooted up so no harm if gota dice a few i guess


post-16360-0-28839300-1301984318_thumb.jpg post-16360-0-34648100-1301984336_thumb.jpg post-16360-0-16033600-1301984357_thumb.jpg


new pots



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