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There are many stories, down through history, of people who have sold out and betrayed their own people, their own culture, their own beliefs, while claiming to help them and pretending that they are still one of them.


This same criminal act is now dividing and conquering cannabis culture. It started with the Industrial Hempists who were allowed to grow the slave breeds of the cannabis genus as long as they were complicit in the blatant genocide of the rest of the cannabis genus, its culture and the persecution and violation of its followers.


This was bad enough. Then, this lust for power, dominion, cash flow etc. moved to the medical cannabis collectives, creating a 'Yellow Star/ Yellow Cannabis Leaf' card given out by the genocidists of cannabis and its culture, and those who accepted this 'mark', this proverbial 'blood covenant on their doors' were now allowed to practice their beliefs and culture, while still being complicit in the persecution, eradication, apartheid discrimination, heretic hunting and genocidist policies of their Government Masters, through turning blind eyes, and some even phoning/ dogging in those in their culture that they now see as 'heretical' cannabists, while they have become 'orthodox', as well as of course being the stumbling blocks placed in the road called 'Cannabis legalisation'/ Acceptance.


Meanwhile, some are flooding YouTube, websites etc., blatantly flaunting our sacred 10,000 year old culture in our faces, while stating loud and clear, "We're now medical. We're not stoners. We're not associated with that scum we used to be part of, that same scum who helped us to discover how beneficial Cannabis is as a medicine through recreational consumption and advocation".


Just like diseases nowadays are a multi-billion dollar industry that doesn't give a damn about suffering, the social segregation between cannabis culture is also a multi-billion dollar cannabis industry - run by cartels who used to be illicit and are now perfectly legal, backed by pharmaceutical drug lords and legal drug Politicians who also wage civil and world war on any part of cannabis Culture that they don't personally control and are not the true Masters of.


There are so-called cannabis groups in Australia and World Wide who have been part of the hinderance problem for many years now, while they beg their mess of pottage from genocidal Governments. It's time people realised simply -- Cannabis Culture is Cannabis Culture, and we cop enough social segregation and persecution from the legal drug reich without having social segregation and persecution infiltrating and marauding through the different forms of cannabis culture.


The betrayers know exactly who they are, they know exactly how much cash flows in from their betrayal, their act of treason. Governments in the name of selective prohibition, commit acts of treason against their own people on a regular basis, and the betrayers of cannabis culture go along with them for the ride.


These betrayers and traitors of cannabis culture know exactly how many hundreds of thousands are suffering while they prostitute themselves to Politicians and Legal drug lords.


Meanwhile they're also raking in the cash from cannabis being a so-called 'illicit' drug and the direct central nervous system depressant drug (THC) competition for the official, recreational, psychoactive drug of Prime Ministers, of Political Parties (including the aso-called-Greens/ Brown's party), of Police and of every single "Say no to drugs" group out there, called ethane hydroxide.


Australia is now a massive concentration camp of betrayal, deception, violation and abuse, while Governments and Cannabis traitors state, "Bow down to my drug lords, accept my legal drug reich, accept the violated forms of your sacred cannabis genus, score your drugs from me and me alone....."and you'll be right!"


It's now 2011, 50 years since the U.N. and their drug lords started this Civil and World War. And, for 50 years Australia and the World's Cannabis Traitors have been helping to continue this war. They've been helping people to be complicit in this war, and they've been raking in the cash while doing it, and they've been doing it - and continue to do it - with the smile of a crocodile on their face, and giving us the betrayal kiss of Judas Iscariot.


Divide and Conquer, it's as simple as that. Divide those who are willing to bow down, kow-tow and compromise for their thirty pieces of silver from those who stand for what they believe in, do not betray their people, their beliefs, their individual rights and freedoms, their culture, and the sacred genus that it stands for....Cannabis.


The mentality is simple. Give up your birth right, give up your tribal rights, welcome in the violation of your sacred sites (ie your home, your land), accept a mess of pottage, and then just like a 'filthy scum orphan' (how orphans were looked at at one time, and still are in some Countries), beg your Master, "Please sir, may I have some more". And the answer is clear - "You want more, boy? Not a problem. We've got everything you want in the legal drug department, and soon we'll have your vegetables/ herbs bottled up ready to be sold back to you for a price".


And what are they now mixed with? The official toxic drug of the World, ethane hydroxide/ ethanol/ ethyl alcohol.


Cannabis Culture is not a slave culture. It is a Freeborn culture. The Masters do not like Freeborn Culture, for it removes the mentality of "I am your Master, you are my slave. Your rights have been sold, now do as you're told".


Or, to paraphrase Metallica, regarding the Fair Go For All/ A Fair Chance in Life/ Justice for All - "Broken is the promise, betrayal. The healing hand held back by the deepening nail. Follow the Government that failed"....and continues to fail.


Copyright 3/4/11

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