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Youngest cannabis therapy User?





soooooo irey

check it




regrow organs

gotta love dat

there is scientific evidence to support organ growth and maintenance


that cop is the fool who shoots his mouth off "ludicrous"



the world should know




free cannabis

forward ever

stronger together

heal the children

heal the land



irey guidance

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5 answers to this question

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Despite all the evidence of the benefits of cannabis you will still get the hysteria of the ignorant & the conspiracy of the multi-nationals/politicians suppressing the debate. Until more enlightened times we are all criminals in the eyes of society. Keep up the good fight, Radic
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Someone, with a lot of money, who is pro-canna, needs to make an ad for TV. Or pay the price to get it on during the Superbowl.


This beauracracy, blatant lies, and gateway propaganda against A PLANT THAT GROWS NATURALLY needs to stop.


If you haven't read the whole report on Cannabis that was recently released from the Cancer Institue, THE MAIN CANCER RESEARCH FACILITY IN THE WORLD, you need to read it. However, because I know most of you are lazy, stoned, or just cbf reading something that long, here's a link to one of the pages from the report, detailing the Antitumour effects of Cannabis




And if you're too lazy to even click that link, here's a short excerpt


Another study has shown delta-9-THC is a potent and selective antiviral agent against Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), also known as human herpesvirus 8.[15] The researchers concluded that additional studies on cannabinoids and herpesviruses are warranted, as they may lead to the development of drugs that inhibit the reactivation of these oncogenic viruses. Subsequently, another group of investigators reported increased efficiency of KSHV infection of human dermal microvascular epithelial cells in the presence of low doses of delta-9-THC.[16]


I'll keep this post short, I know this one is probably too long already. :whistle:


Now, where did I put my lighter? :bongon:

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i hear you bro mungus

Until more enlightened times we are all criminals in the eyes of society.

the struggle goes on

irey smashed

i need oil !! ill be makeing heaps


hash oil rulez



Someone, with a lot of money, who is pro-canna, needs to make an ad for TV. Or pay the price to get it on during the Superbowl.
i wish.,.,.


no one has the power or the gutz


the sic us gov owns the patent rights for the anti cancer and neuro protective medicinal qualities of cannabis

that means,., they can and will sue you if you make and sell a medicine made from cannabis that cures cancer

even if you say cannabis cures cancer they can act against you

there are ways round this BS

thats why that movie by all those esteemed scientists is called "what if cannabis cured cancer"

they canna hold back the tide any longer

theres too much happing now

the more brave people like this courageous family tell it how it is.,., the soon they fall


forward ever

stronger together

free cannabis

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Ah, was gonna post this up in a new thread but this one popped up, will just put here then :)



G'day ppl :thumbsup:


I found this Youtube video, thought some of you might be interested in watching. Everyone should watch it really :P It's about a dad whose son was diagnosed with a barely operable brain tumor when he was just two years old and through the use of MMJ was able to beat the cancer :xcited:



"By the end of September, he had gone 40 days without eating, he was vomiting 9-10 times a day, he couldn't lift his head off his pillow, he was laying their shivering" says Mike, the father of two-year old Cash was diagnosed last year with a stage 4 brain tumor. High-dose chemo was killing Cash's cancer, but it was making him sicker than ever. He was taking 120 milligrams a day of five different drugs to make him comfortable.


The doctors had no answers, so Mike found his own. It was relief for Cashy in the form of cannabis oil. It's illegal to possess without authorization from a medical professional. It's something doctors wouldn't even discuss. Mike got authorization to give Cashy the oil and, without telling them why, told the doctors to wean Cashy off the anti-nausea cocktail. Inserted through Cashy's feeding tube, a tiny amount of oil replaced all those drugs. The result, Mike said, was almost immediate.


"You're watching a kid who hasn't had the will to eat in 4 months, 5 months, actually take a bite of something," Mike remembered. "He hadn't eaten a thing in 40 days - and, it was really incredible to watch him take a bit of a piece of cheese. It shows that he wants to live."


"The only way for medical patients to benefit from cannabis is for us to have it legalized fully. Until it's fully legalized, police and law enforcement will continue to harass and invade patients' rights, and take their medicine away," Mike said.


The Liberty Underground - Dad Gives 2 year old son battling with Brain Cancer Medical Marijuana


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