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Just Got A Digi-Cam

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Guest Wilderbud

Nice bud stem you have there - hehe.


Looks like its a definate soil-borne clone from here and its bushed-up nicely IMO!


How tall was it when you put it into flower mode?

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hey nice guy


i got a pentax 33L 3.2 megapix, 3 x optical zoom


im still figuring out how to use it . :o


i got an extra 64 meg card, 4 extra batteries.and charger.....


it cost all up a bit over $600, i couldnt really afford that much but will just cut back on a few other vices for a while lol


heres another



edit.. my 1st bubbler on left


Edited by bongonaussie
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hey thanks for comments




plants were 2ft tall and had been tipped a couple of times (and main branch savaged) when put on 12/12...they have grown nearly 1ft in last 2 weeks


nice guy.....


im growing in 70% searles premium potting mix & 30% perlite. this is my last grow in soil now i have discovered bubblers lol


here is a pic of a bud that the clones in pots came from,the plant was frost burnt 1 week before ready :angry:

its from the middle branches.i smoked the main colas first



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