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Bacchus' outdoor garden

Guest bacchus

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;) gday all, quick update by proxy...bacchus babies are doing real well, saw pix of em. all you wanting to know about volcanic soil, its a rich mineral-heavy red soil found in areas where volcanic activity has occured over time, maybe thousands of years ago. those of us in vic would be familiar with the soils of wandin, monbulk and even the outskirts of ferntree gully...same gear, that rich red stuff,usually deep as your plow or even deeper. :angry: soil round my way is more like 2" of dead grey on top of rock, i used to farm on contract basis among other things, took me 3 days to plow out a paddock once, trying to create an even cover to sow clover and rye....real bastard, wish i had volcanic, i tell yas lol



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It's okay pack me a thumper.... seedlings can take their sweet time to take off sometimes. The initial burst you see on germination is powered by the seeds energy store, the cotyledons, (those rounded seed leaves that first came out) are there to sorta kick start the system. They contain just enough chlorophyll to get the next set of leaves out, and from there it's an exponential growth rate up. lol But the initial seedling phase can last a while whilst it establishes.


How about starting your own thread in the relevant forum, maybe post a pic or two and describe the situation they're in, then I'm sure someone here will be able to advise you a little better. Anyway, I gotta go to the doctors and see if I've chipped a bone in my leg or not, so someone here should be able to help ya, if not, then I'll be back soonish. ;)


Oh, and welcome to ozstoners, if you haven't already posted in the livingston forum. ;)

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