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My baby is suffering - brown, curling leaves

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FTG. :helpsmilie:


I don't know whether it's underwatering or overfertilising, but my baby is definitely suffering. :(


I was hand-watering, one litre every day, but after doing some reading, I figured I was overwatering (even though it didn't seem to be doing her any harm), so I've cut back to a litre very two days. Have been doing that for a couple of weeks and it seems to be going OK.


I also added some rose bloom fertiliser to try and bump her up a little, and she responded really well, but I was worried that it was rinsing/draining out with the subsequent watering, so I gave her another dose a week later. Two days later, her leaves went brown and curled and developed a leathery sheen to them. Even the new leaves that are coming up out of the centre are browning and curling.


Wat do? I want my healthy baby back. Please advise, mah brethren.




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, id just 3 quater soak the soil in a tub of water for couple hours , change the water couple times an let it drain out a few times , makes a good flush shit easy , get some pot ash , an a lil seaweed ferts for the soil an plant health :thumbsup:, better than rose ferts it has N ,pot ash dont :thumbsup: thats what i useally do simple ,

an i use a lil hydro flower nutes to each once a week , an water em fresh water just before ferts , gives it a lil flush before new nutes , its simple , stick your finger in the soil half way an if the soil feels a lil damp down low wait another day , good luck :bongon:


i take it you started them off in jan ?? i always do a quick lil crop lol

Edited by smashed1
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soil in the pots looks like crap

pots too small.,..transplant to bigger pots and better soil

good advice from all

i agree

nutrient burn and possible insect attack

right now

your plants are dealing with shock from all this sufferation

shock can cause a plant to use all its available K in less than 1 hr

they will be stunted,,.,.smaller budz

your yield will be down.,.,.,.less wieght

your quality will suffer too


but you can save them


is it worth the trouble and expense??????

only you can decide';';' when fresh clones and start again might be cheaper,.,. in the long run


if you want a save them.,.,no time to waste

make this standard practice at the first sign of sick plants

plant first aid

1 flush all the water soluble nutrients right out the pots

2 spray with a K supplement like liquid kelp

3 check for insects<--- kill dem all and come back alone


make we know it if they do not respond straight away

we might have to move them to intensive care



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G'day Mr. BIGGEST pots you can find and PREMIUM potting mix, don't scrimp on this it ain't a fortune and the results will be your reward. Maybe hold off on the nutes for a week or so and just give them water, rain water if you have it, let 'em get over whatever it is that's gone wrong. They are a remarkable, tough plant but like all young things care must be taken early on. Let 'em get their first half dozen sets of leaves before you start to work on 'em. Edited by auntynorm
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Thanks so much for all your replies, mah brethren. :thumbsup:


I think I may have killed the poor little babe now, though. :wallbash:


I flushed the soil thoroughly and did not re-nute. So far, so good. Then I transplanted to a bigger pot as Radic suggested, only to have the entire base from the original pot fall apart in my hands and take most of the extended root system with it. All that was left was the small central root cluster extending from the still-intact jiffy pot (from its seedling days). Figuring this could be enough, I continued the transplant anyway and watered the whole soil mix thoroughly, using rainwater (I only water her from the rainwater tank).


New pot:




The brown patches on the edges of the leaves are now brittle to the touch, so I'm leaving them the hell alone and hoping they'll heal.


The rose nute I had used (and which had been having positive effects until I overdosed the poor cow) is pictured below. It has potash in it as part of the mix.




The premium soil I have been using is this stuff:




As a footnote, I noticed for the first time today that it was producing an... aroma. :twitchsmile:

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she will be happy there

shame about the roots

naworrie she will recover

the roots will grow again.,., till they do

its time for


intensive care


1 spray with liquid kelp for shock .,.,mix and apply as recommended for foliar applications


2 spray with worm juice or guano bloom for nutrient feed<---crucial till the roots recover,.,. mix 100:1 spray every morning and evening use a very find spray.,., till the leaf tips from drips


3 gentle the intensity of the sun light eg shade cloth, move to shady position


keep this up till you see new growth on all the tips .,.,.,.maybe 2 or 3 dayz

then back off gradually and if she still looks happy.,.,.,

gradually.,.,,. return her to full direct sun light

dont shock her

do everyting gradually

she like most females, really loves slow hands

irey guidance

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