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LED's; an explanation that seems reasonable

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DUDE!!!! Chill OUT NIBBLER! What the hell is your problem? i.e. "We are superior Americans who know everything, and you are just a bunch of dumb Aussie hacks " attitude that doesn't sit well with me." When did I EVER come off like that??? I can't even stand most Americans myself so why the hell would I come off like that? We have an amazing medical scene and laws that allows us to ACTUALLY experiment with all kinds of lights and such that's pretty much the only difference I was referring to, not that I was superior.


But that is EXACTLY HOW YOU COME OFF! Your attitude sucks balls and I can't understand if your medicating with 20% or more THC meds how you can even be half the kinda person you are? And FYI, IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT THC THESE DAYS, IF YOU KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT THE MEDICINAL SIDE OF IT, let alone the difficulty that exists trying to get accurate testing on meds to prove your "above 20%" or whatever. Based on your attitude I'd say you need some new genetics as you must be getting used to the ones you have, if they are really that strong.


I asked about Plasma as a kinda peace offering to move on and get to discussing some positive things! What is your deal? If anyone acts like a know-it-all its you and you seem to be the worst one on this entire site that is like that.


IF you refer to StreetNinjaP's original thread in this post he said he acknowledged all the inadequacies of LEDs and your negativity and scorn was not needed or welcomed here yet you still shite all over everyone???


And if ANYONE ever tells you not to use ventilation with ANY setup then you should know to stop listening to them immediately.

You keep bringing up crap like that to discredit me yet I am not these so-called "scaremonger LED companies" you keep referring to. I just wanted to help and share what my experiences have been yet you continue to be such an a-hole.


We can agree to disagree, right? So, why not leave it at that and move on? And after some careful reviewing it is funny cause we actually agree on a lot of things about this topic. You just have a fatalist perspective that since most suck that there is no benefit or any that work. So there really is no need to hate me just cause I am American and have some positive experiences to share with everyone.

So let's move on, OK? Agree to disagree on some things and PLEASE forget that I am American and that there is 400 million of us and we are anything but superior. Good day.

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Hey Colorado-transplant I'm keen to hear of your experiences with leds, the whole scene in the states in general, after all it's not everyday you get access to someone from that industry.... There are a few questions in the thread you started in the medical section which I would love to hear your opinion on if you have time.


Nibbler I remember reading somewhere you have quite the experience yourself in Holland is that right? Would love to hear some of your views about the industry there.


Maybe we could start a knowledge bank of the different industries around the world??

Edited by nici
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Nah screw this I aint takin this laying down....... You wanted to tell us about LED's , I listened for awhile.........Then I came back with specifications of the panel you are talking about , and that it doesnt cut the mustard, the 900w one.....


after this I recieved a barage of shit from you..which angered me... I am entitled to my opinion, and I am giving facts to why LED's don't work.

Here's some examples of your shit, not hung on just me, but the growers of this site......highly arrogant......


and to all you shizer talking people that are being completely ignorant and close minded


" its about quality not quantity or just a few big nugs atop a load of crap. "


"get you shi* straight before you go acting like such a dick."


" Almost EVERY LEGAL medicinal operation and dispensary in Colorado is using them and from what I have seen here they would laugh at this crap, it would all go to concentrates and edibles. I'm sure some top quality exists somewhere...."


" your obviously set in your ways but that's no reason to completely right-off what others may find beneficial, especially if someone is starting out small or is very limited to space and isn't in it for profit."


"I'm not sure what your so bitter about.....apparently your buds are so good but it definitely doesn't show in you attitude cause you seem anything but properly medicated, just sayin'. :twiddle: "


Always a sly lil comment..........So I replied in kind.....to your shit attitude...... and again.............


"But that is EXACTLY HOW YOU COME OFF! Your attitude sucks balls and I can't understand if your medicating with 20% or more THC meds how you can even be half the kinda person you are? And FYI, IT'S NOT ALL ABOUT THC THESE DAYS, IF YOU KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT THE MEDICINAL SIDE OF IT, let alone the difficulty that exists trying to get accurate testing on meds to prove your "above 20%" or whatever. Based on your attitude I'd say you need some new genetics as you must be getting used to the ones you have, if they are really that strong."


"I asked about Plasma as a kinda peace offering to move on and get to discussing some positive things! What is your deal? If anyone acts like a know-it-all its you and you seem to be the worst one on this entire site that is like that."


"You keep bringing up crap like that to discredit me yet I am not these so-called "scaremonger LED companies" you keep referring to. I just wanted to help and share what my experiences have been yet you continue to be such an a-hole"


Pretty much all you have done is insult me, Peace offering my arse. lol I have VERY good points, based on facts. If I got upset was cause your bein a prick....


And for the record my genes come from Barneys farm in Holland where the THC and CBD contents are tested.

But hey just a cheap shot again from a petty man, I call a Spade a Spade.


Peace. Nibbler.

Edited by The Hash Nibbler
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You've never even used leds nibbler so you have very little credibility, you're just regurgitating info you've read. I must've missed the part where CT recommended the EXACT blackstar model you disseminated so well... And dude seriously cuz barney said they over 20% then all of yours definitely are as well? You have proof they tested beans from your batch? Or more accurately you've had your OWN buds tested to confirm barney's sales pitch? As far is i'm aware beans, even feminised ones, don't come with a guarantee of thc, cbd or cbn %'s.. And I wont even get into how growing expertise or lack thereof can hinder or help trich production.


CT to gain creditibility here (it is the internet after all) peeps need more than words, instructing peeps to find evidence on youtube to support your claims is lame at best whilst using the 'why would i risk my own safety to prove my point when plenty of pics are already out there' is even dodgier.. And I believe you did state in an earlier post dispensary's in colorado use leds exclusively from seed to harvest, care to name names or provide links? If they are used in the U.S Med Canna Industry (of which very few peeps here could disagree is amongst the foremost Med Canna countries in the world) then show us where and in what form and put the matter to rest.


You both have good points and you both have shit points, tbh i dont really care and i'm only going to say this once.


Keep it civil or posts will be edited.




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You've never even used leds nibbler so you have very little credibility, you're just regurgitating info you've read. I must've missed the part where CT recommended the EXACT blackstar model you disseminated so well... And dude seriously cuz barney said they over 20% then all of yours definitely are as well? You have proof they tested beans from your batch? Or more accurately you've had your OWN buds tested to confirm barney's sales pitch? As far is i'm aware beans, even feminised ones, don't come with a guarantee of thc, cbd or cbn %'s.. And I wont even get into how growing expertise or lack thereof can hinder or help trich production.


You both have good points and you both have shit points, tbh i dont really care and i'm only going to say this once.


Keep it civil or posts will be edited.





No Chato, I haven't used LED's , its because anyone who knows electronics Properly can see by their specs they won't work as stated. I got enough Electronics Knowledge to figure it out before I blow my money on them.

The basic fact that they only use them as supplimentals opposed to a stand alone light speaks volumes as well. You can take any number of Models or brands and do the same, even LED's are not above basic electrical theory, and thats before you even start looking at their basic flaws in spectrum output. They have improved a little, but not that much.


I just wanna save Newbs from making a mistake,and blowing their dosh, thats my only Motivation here.

The strain shit I'm not really fussed about man, neither here nor there. If I could afford a HPLC analyzer I would have one.


I'm outta this thread, spend ya money on LEDS if ya want, not my dosh.


Peace. Nibbler.

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