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LED's; an explanation that seems reasonable

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I personally blew my friends from Cali outta the water using a couple HPS and 3 LEDs in a high-flow under current system w/ an intellidose control unit automatically measuring and dispensing my nutes as I saw necessary.


with the laws being as they are I wouldn't be volunteering my own pics and vids either when tons of other people already are, but believe it is possible and is being done, has been done for a while now


this made me lol =D nice little pick me up for the morning!

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just do a search on Youtube and there are TONS of people posting video diaries with only LEDs, if I have time I'll do it AGAIN and post the links, seriously there are many dispensaries using solely LEDs in HUGE warehouses and from seed to harvest, just be sure if you get LEDs that they don't angle the light straight down, they need to be at different angles to penetrate the canopy, that is the first place where many of the imitations screw you over leading to very lacking results.
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Well heres some specs from Blackstars own website.........even their figures don't add up.......


In our 2009 LED Growlight Showdown, our winner (Black Star LED) employed a unique LED. After our analysis, we concluded that the reason for the win was the use of a mixture of 630nm UV/Blue LED's rather than the traditional blue 660nm LED's used in all other LED systems tested. This is confirmed from the spectrum usage graphs above.


So in usable lumens we have the 5010 lumen 90w LED from Lighthouse Hydro vs the 400w 6800 lumens of a Sun Agro bulb.



LED= 43 usable lumens / watt HID = 17 usable lumens / watt


Yes, the LED is superior but based on lumens/watt alone a 90w total output is not equivalent to a 400w HID light.


On Lumen output alone, a 90w LED does not match the 400 HID light system. In usable lumens alone the conversion is more like 90w LED = 320w HID (HPS/MH)


1) A son T agro puts out more than 5800 lumens, I have a 80w Philips Compact fluro that can almost do that...5300 lumens...lol

And anyway, why a comparison in Lumens , anyone who knows anything about LED's know they are measured in PAR.


2) LED usable lumens should be 55.66666lumens/watt.....they cant even divide properly.....so how they building anything.


3) There is NO way a 90w LED panel will put out enough to match 320w of HID, ya kidding yaself, Their 900wer LED panel can only cover less than the size of a 1.2 x 1.2m tent, and it costs almost a grand...


Specifications: BlackStar 900w panel


- Size: 20.125" x 12.25"


- Coverage Area: 4.5' x 3.5' (16 Square Feet)


- LED Chipset: 3W


- Number of LED's: 288


- Rated Hours: 50,000


- Bands: 6 Band


- Red: 630, 660nm


- Blue: 425nm


- Infrared: 730nm


- Ultraviolet: 380nm


- White: 12000k


- Worldwide Voltage: 90v-240v


- Modular Power Cord (Available in US, UK, EU, AU)


- Warranty: 1 Year All Inclusive


16 sqft of coverage......ya kidding me right? From a 900w panel............ oh, and 288 x 3w LED's = 864W of power......

Also a 1 yr warranty on a light system that 'supposedly' lasts 50,000 hours is a joke.


I dont wanna go look as some bodged LED company grows on Pootube..... most of em are manufacturer grows......a lot of em use supplimental HPS / MH and dont tell you..... I think LED's will come good one day, but you guys are wasting ya money on inferior shit, and lapping it up. I stand by everything I've ever said about LED's.


Peace. Nibbler


p.s. They are not the most powerful LED panels on the market, and Cree do a 5w and 10w chipset now......

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Well heres some specs from Blackstars own website.........even their figures don't add up.......


In our 2009 LED Growlight Showdown, our winner (Black Star LED) employed a unique LED. After our analysis, we concluded that the reason for the win was the use of a mixture of 630nm UV/Blue LED's rather than the traditional blue 660nm LED's used in all other LED systems tested. This is confirmed from the spectrum usage graphs above.


So in usable lumens we have the 5010 lumen 90w LED from Lighthouse Hydro vs the 400w 6800 lumens of a Sun Agro bulb.



LED= 43 usable lumens / watt HID = 17 usable lumens / watt


Yes, the LED is superior but based on lumens/watt alone a 90w total output is not equivalent to a 400w HID light.


On Lumen output alone, a 90w LED does not match the 400 HID light system. In usable lumens alone the conversion is more like 90w LED = 320w HID (HPS/MH)


1) A son T agro puts out more than 5800 lumens, I have a 80w Philips Compact fluro that can almost do that...5300 lumens...lol

And anyway, why a comparison in Lumens , anyone who knows anything about LED's know they are measured in PAR.


2) LED usable lumens should be 55.66666lumens/watt.....they cant even divide properly.....so how they building anything.


3) There is NO way a 90w LED panel will put out enough to match 320w of HID, ya kidding yaself, Their 900wer LED panel can only cover less than the size of a 1.2 x 1.2m tent, and it costs almost a grand...


Specifications: BlackStar 900w panel


- Size: 20.125" x 12.25"


- Coverage Area: 4.5' x 3.5' (16 Square Feet)


- LED Chipset: 3W


- Number of LED's: 288


- Rated Hours: 50,000


- Bands: 6 Band


- Red: 630, 660nm


- Blue: 425nm


- Infrared: 730nm


- Ultraviolet: 380nm


- White: 12000k


- Worldwide Voltage: 90v-240v


- Modular Power Cord (Available in US, UK, EU, AU)


- Warranty: 1 Year All Inclusive


16 sqft of coverage......ya kidding me right? From a 900w panel............ oh, and 288 x 3w LED's = 864W of power......

Also a 1 yr warranty on a light system that 'supposedly' lasts 50,000 hours is a joke.


I dont wanna go look as some bodged LED company grows on Pootube..... most of em are manufacturer grows......a lot of em use supplimental HPS / MH and dont tell you..... I think LED's will come good one day, but you guys are wasting ya money on inferior shit, and lapping it up. I stand by everything I've ever said about LED's.


Peace. Nibbler


p.s. They are not the most powerful LED panels on the market, and Cree do a 5w and 10w chipset now......

Just a re post incase anyone missed that.

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Hi Colorado,

I have been checking out these LED lights for many year's now an they are starting to come up with the good's now day's but still cant match the HID Lighting.

I have checked out the 357 magnum LED lights as well an many more LED light's,an all of the grow's that i have seen mostly use HID lighting as well with there grow's.

All of the grow's that i have seen on PooTube as nibbler call's it,{Rite on Bro}the plants are small an the head's are small as well to what you get from HID lighting.

If you are really interested in growing some nice big resin covered head's i sugest you check out the SUNPULSE GOLBE'S they will crap over any LED light's that are on the market check them out an you will get a nice surprize or maybe you have allready done so.

Please post these link's of some good LED lights so i can check them out as it would save me a lot of eye pain due to going blind from Glaucoma,I am not lazy just would really appreciate your help in this matter as you seem to know so much about LED lighting system's.

A can I sugest you read nibbler's post,it is not bullshit it's just the truth.

Regard's ,Dingo-2008.

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nibbler, there are some variables here that you are completely ignoring and are many areas where LEDs are much more convenient and ideal than HIDs. i.e. Dingo's post. Look, there are major differences b/w LEDs and HID but you just have to know how to use what you have. And your are talking about the Lighthouse 90W???!!! I wouldn't even use that one nor did I specify a 900W but I have seen results from blackstar so I made a suggestion, and of course footprint will be smaller, duh! its about quality not quantity or just a few big nugs atop a load of crap. LEDs are all about peace of mind and saving money in the long run. If you can't understand that then I don't know what to tell you. Of course LUMEN output will be WAY more with HIDs but when it comes to usable spectrum, heat, power bills, proximity to plants, burning your house down, etc.... LEDs do have quite the advantage, if you go with the right models and manufacturer. I NEVER claimed anything about the "most powerful leds on the market" get you shi* straight before you go acting like such a dick. BOTTOM LINE: if you know how to use em, as a supplement to HIDs, like I originally said! than they can help you to add life to all your equipment, lower your stress levels, dangers, and power bills while at the same time BOOST resin production and yield overall especially to lower branches then overall they are worth it! It just depends on what kind of setup you have. Almost EVERY LEGAL medicinal operation and dispensary in Colorado is using them and from what I have seen here they would laugh at this crap, it would all go to concentrates and edibles. I'm sure some top quality exists somewhere.... but just know that there is more to it than you may be leading people to believe. I do respect your knowledge but specifications and LUMENS do not explain the whole story. I am done here on this topic! the only way to know what to use is based on a full on consultation of every characteristic of one's particular setup, perhaps yours is not ideal for LEDs, maybe some honest experimentation would go a bit farther than speculation. I have been wrong before but know that I have used LED, CFL, HPS, MH all on their own and different combos and have had excellent results every time.....then again my genetics have always been some of the best in the world but with the right technique, dedication, positive energy, and good genetics it can all be done and has been for a long time, no reason to completely right off the new school just cause your comfortable with the what you know. Edited by colorado-transplant
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to each his own I suppose but I can not hold your hand in deciding what is right for everyone, just know that some of the top breeders and cultivators in the world do use LEDs as supplements to HIDs to maximize resin production, which after all, that is what it is all about, more trichomes and not necessarily more vegetable matter!
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to each his own I suppose but I can not hold your hand in deciding what is right for everyone, just know that some of the top breeders and cultivators in the world do use LEDs as supplements to HIDs to maximize resin production, which after all, that is what it is all about, more trichomes and not necessarily more vegetable matter!


All I'm hearing is Blah, blah.....blah, blah, blah........as you just stated "Supplimental" , as a stand alone light they are piss poor.

Also the Blackstar stated on their site they are the most powerful panels on the market, I didn't say you said it. The reply was fact based. So shove it.


Colarado ....Quote " Almost EVERY LEGAL medicinal operation and dispensary in Colorado is using them and from what I have seen here they would laugh at this crap, it would all go to concentrates and edibles. I'm sure some top quality exists somewhere.... but just know that there is more to it than you may be leading people to believe. " Unquote

Yeah well................. :finger: , May not have the biggest buds, but they mine, and I got pics, and I have the balls to put em up....cough...cough.....


Peace. Nibbler.

Edited by The Hash Nibbler
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