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LED's; an explanation that seems reasonable

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I really wonder sometimes what the average age is on this site.

Don't get your knickers in a knot Colorado its just the way it goes here, it's not a big site. There's no full led grows on here and until then it's gonna be the same result.


Don't worry man I've seen what they do at Arizona Tech;)


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nibbler, there are some variables here that you are completely ignoring and are many areas where LEDs are much more convenient and ideal than HIDs. i.e. Dingo's post. Look, there are major differences b/w LEDs and HID but you just have to know how to use what you have. And your are talking about the Lighthouse 90W???!!! I wouldn't even use that one nor did I specify a 900W but I have seen results from blackstar so I made a suggestion, and of course footprint will be smaller, duh! its about quality not quantity or just a few big nugs atop a load of crap. LEDs are all about peace of mind and saving money in the long run. If you can't understand that then I don't know what to tell you. Of course LUMEN output will be WAY more with HIDs but when it comes to usable spectrum, heat, power bills, proximity to plants, burning your house down, etc.... LEDs do have quite the advantage, if you go with the right models and manufacturer. I NEVER claimed anything about the "most powerful leds on the market" get you shi* straight before you go acting like such a dick. BOTTOM LINE: if you know how to use em, as a supplement to HIDs, like I originally said! than they can help you to add life to all your equipment, lower your stress levels, dangers, and power bills while at the same time BOOST resin production and yield overall especially to lower branches then overall they are worth it! It just depends on what kind of setup you have. Almost EVERY LEGAL medicinal operation and dispensary in Colorado is using them and from what I have seen here they would laugh at this crap, it would all go to concentrates and edibles. I'm sure some top quality exists somewhere.... but just know that there is more to it than you may be leading people to believe. I do respect your knowledge but specifications and LUMENS do not explain the whole story. I am done here on this topic! the only way to know what to use is based on a full on consultation of every characteristic of one's particular setup, perhaps yours is not ideal for LEDs, maybe some honest experimentation would go a bit farther than speculation. I have been wrong before but know that I have used LED, CFL, HPS, MH all on their own and different combos and have had excellent results every time.....then again my genetics have always been some of the best in the world but with the right technique, dedication, positive energy, and good genetics it can all be done and has been for a long time, no reason to completely right off the new school just cause your comfortable with the what you know.


Mornin all.

I`ve been sitting on the sidelines of the LED v HID debates going on around me for a few years now...with good reason.

Read the first piece of bold text above. Sound familiar folks? Yup, every LED lover trots out that line, or similar.

I still dunno what that means and cant seem to get an answer from anyone in the know...


Colorado transplant, so far your entire contribution here has been a few hundred words of...ah...well...nuthin` much really...except for the reference to youtube of course. Aint wanna hurt your feelings and all but youtube does`nt stand as a valid source of research and reference to me, nor anyone educated past grade 3.


Anyways, it`s been a long night and I cant be bothered dismantling your statements to prove just how retarded they seem, though it would be easy...suffice to say if ppl like you are involved in the medical Cannabis caper, we`re all fucked...


But, quoting bold text further down...I too am done here on this topic....for now...



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its a highly entertain thread for me, in fact it makes me actually want to get out of bed in the morning and view the latest updates ... so i was rather dissapointed to hear the foreigner from Colorado exclaim " I am done here on this topic!"

no doubt someone will come and take his place ...


well we can only hope ehh



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I do not understand how colorado says led are good to save money on power but to use them to supplement HID ??

Supplement means to use with so if i am using led to supplement my HID i am chewing more power !!!

I am keen to see a good LED diary . I was going to go down the LED road but in the end thought " HID tried and tested , You can see results from HID all over Cannabis forums around the world ,I will just get what works "



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We're all working towards the same thing


Yes, some of us slower than others :applause: this thread has gold written all over it

The substance of the argument is like a 5yr old wanting to believe They are better! They are better! They are better! waaaaah :tantrum: and I won't post any pics waaaaah :tantrum: All the bud pics I've ever seen are shit, probably not much better than you could do with flowering under flourescent lighting.


Noobies beware, LED salesman speak with forked tongue :signthis:

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