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I'm so over being chronically ill



I'm having a shaky day today guys. I'm so past being chronically ill. I feel as though this wicked thing is eating me from the inside out. It's causing major stress for the family financially and I'm wracked with guilt over this most days. I feel as though the only alternative is to stop smoking, but the thought of this terrifies me because smoking is the only thing that helps keep me sane.

I guess i just needed to off load...

Don't get me wrong, I love life...just hate mine right now. :(

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in the last year iv had 2x colonosopys and endoscopy iv had 2x ultra sounds wich showed my bowel folding into its self also had ct scan mri scan uran samples stool samples lots and lots of blood tests now my specialist says they going to go ova all my scans 2 morow and if the come up with nothing they want me to swallow a lil camera that takes photos every half a second last app he said theres not much we can do for ya mate wich stinks. thnig is only the ultra sounds showed the bowel folding all other scans came back fine but have to go to the loo upto 7 plus times every morning just to clear my bowels isnt normal either is losing 25kgs i wiegh 61 kgs atm and my height is 187cm. going to watch the second vid tomorow puter is being a prick at loading.
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Stix87, I had a similar thing happen in 2004 and the doctors basically sent me home to die as they couldn't work out what was wrong. I finally found out my problem by having live blood analysis done. Thankfully it saved my life as I was within days of death. I mention this because your case is so similar to what happened to me. It took me about 6 months to recover but I was at the point of not being able to walk or talk.
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