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I'm so over being chronically ill



I'm having a shaky day today guys. I'm so past being chronically ill. I feel as though this wicked thing is eating me from the inside out. It's causing major stress for the family financially and I'm wracked with guilt over this most days. I feel as though the only alternative is to stop smoking, but the thought of this terrifies me because smoking is the only thing that helps keep me sane.

I guess i just needed to off load...

Don't get me wrong, I love life...just hate mine right now. :(

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greetnz misha

check this vid

and start smiling

you can do this


cannabis therapy for chronic illness

eat hash oil

1g/day for 30 days


the best way to go is vapour distillation

cannabis vapour distillation rulez

cheap, quick, eze and 100% safe

this way you can just buy budz today from the local

and make each pill as you need it

from bud to pill in 60min

gotta love dat

just like Shona Banda

its just too eze

this way there is no big expense of 1oz of hash oil to get hold of

you just buy what ever you can afford on the day or week, make each pill as needed

and work from there till the cure is achieved

dont stop smiling,.,.

till your laughing

irey guidance

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Misha, please look at a You tube called Vitamin C, parts 1,2,3 & 4. Am still in shock after seeing it, but a must watch for all to see. Cannabis really is a miracle plant for so many illnesses from cancer, MS, glaucoma, arthritis. No matter what stage cancer either, just amazing results. Its all about the cannabis oil. Must learn to do what Radic did above and insert the clip, and if I manage to then I will but am sure you would find it on google.
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greetnz ashka


yes that is a wicked vid

copy the url of the utube vid


then go to your post reply, mouse over the little box on the far right it should say >>>insert media<<<

click on that one and a little box will appear

delete the http// and past the utube url in there

then click the button >>>insert media<<<

next click preview or use full editor

to check to see if it worked


yes this is crucial vibes

every frame a must




irey guidance

Edited by Radic
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I 'm chronically ill too. So Misha we are similar. These days I sit around watching the weeds grow long, overlooking basic maintenance, and seeing my tools go rusty.


When I think about how NOT fit and able I am these days I get to feeling frustrated and powerless.


The thing that helps me most with these feelings is the support I get from my partner.


So reading thru yr post I was just wondering what sort of family support you have?


Like, have you told yr family the things you've posted here? Do they know how you feel … especially about not being able to provide for them?


Yr family can only support you to the extent they know what sort of support you need!


I 'm happy to talk more with you about the particulars of this if you'd like to message me.

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hey mate ya not alone iv been sick for a year now also iv lost 25 kgs and docs have no clue { thou i think its chrons disease} iv also been off the green for 2 weeks coz i heard it makes chrons worse the mrs has rushed me in and out of hospital that many times its not funny spent all my savings wich i had to work my guts out since i was 15 working on the road 16 hours plus a day now i barley venture out it sucks not been able to do much. even ,the thing is iv got a young family and would hate to leave them wich is the most up setting of all. so mate ya not alone. take care
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greetnz stix

that sux

dont put up with that

your family dont need to suffer

please watch the two utube vidz i just posted

shona banda had chrons and healed her self with cannabis

thats what her book is about

its a day by day journal of her healing chrons


vitamin cannabis tells you why and how cannabis heals

please watch

what you got to lose


these vidz are crucial for you

you can do this

shona tells it like it is

live free or die

please choose freedom


irey guidance

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