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Medical Grade Cannabis

UC Learner


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imo, "medical grade" cannabis, is cannabis that helps any ailment :rolleyes:

for example, you might have depression or lack of appetite.....so an uplifting, giggly strain might help :scratchin: generally a sativa dominant strain. :uhhuh:

or if you have anxiety or insomnia, so you might like a strong relaxing strain....something that calms the nerves and/or helps deal with tense situations and sleep :scratchin: ....generally Indica dominant :uhhuh:


so as a few have mentioned, its a bit hard to name a top ten. :/


however, if people/patients were to read up on cannabis genetics and get a better understanding on what they`re looking for befor they start, they`ll have a great advantage. :freak:


an example here could be, if growing out some "bagseed"(seeds from an unknown variety/source)- the characteristics of Indica are generally shorter flowering periods with fatter leaves and over all shorter in appearance. :scratchin: ..... as where the characteristics of Sativas have much longer flowering periods, thin leaves and generally grow very big :scratchin:


i know that what im saying is simple to the general grower, but for someone completly fresh to the topic, its vital :uhhuh:


off rant :wacko:



Me :bongon:

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This is my first post (but it won't be my last). I have been using medicinal Cannabis for nearly a year (I was not using Cannabis prior at all). I am fortunate enough to have a doctor who is supportive of my choice and researched information about the person I obtain my product from and then gave me all the information I needed to know to make an informed decision. From what I have come to know, the purple variety of Indica is primarily used, and it is particularly beneficial for cancer patients. It was also interesting to learn that the purple color in plants has a lot of anti-cancer properties such as purple carrots, beets and other purple vegetables. There is plenty of information online if you Google the subject. I am interested to learn more about particular strains in Australia. There is an obvious need for people to become educated so they can make informed decisions when choosing a strain for their medicinal needs.
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I believe that's anthocyanin you are referring to.Kanepes.? From my experience it's common to find plants high in this chemical in the Australian 'bagseed' gene-pool, but as I said earlier, we have no easy legal regulated way to research, study or source those genetics in Australia so naming strains in Oz that carry that trait or others is near impossible atm and obtaining them is for most people even harder. People winge about seed banks but they have a very useful purpose for many when it comes to sourcing known genetics for most people..

From my experience purple plants don't always get red leaves as the shade leaves die. It's the red leaves show the highest levels of anthocyanin is my understanding. I know this is one of the things Ellomo Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd has been researching.


Peace MongyMan


Ps...Cool post :thumbsup: IMO cannabis is a preventative medicine as well as a curative medicine. This is just one example of how it can be.


Pss... You can increase the levels of anthocyanin plants produce by spraying them with jasmenoic acid.

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Hey there MongyMan,


I am referring to Anthocyanin but as most people do not know what that is I use the term purple plants/veges/fruit. As you said it is near impossible to obtain specific strains in Australia, making it hard for an individual to harness the medicinal plants that heal/cure disease. Because of this problem I obtain my medicinal cannabis through a research program and that way I am assured of getting a)Organic and b)correct strain of plant. I have been on the medicinal cannabis trials for about 9 months now and I have had amazing results. I just wish the Aus guvmint would hurry along with their 'legalities' and allow others in this gorgeous country to also benefit and heal from medicinal marijuana.


I believe that's anthocyanin you are referring to.Kanepes.? From my experience it's common to find plants high in this chemical in the Australian 'bagseed' gene-pool, but as I said earlier, we have no easy legal regulated way to research, study or source those genetics in Australia so naming strains in Oz that carry that trait or others is near impossible atm and obtaining them is for most people even harder. People winge about seed banks but they have a very useful purpose for many when it comes to sourcing known genetics for most people..

From my experience purple plants don't always get red leaves as the shade leaves die. It's the red leaves show the highest levels of anthocyanin is my understanding. I know this is one of the things Ellomo Medical Cannabis Pty Ltd has been researching.


Peace MongyMan


Ps...Cool post :thumbsup: IMO cannabis is a preventative medicine as well as a curative medicine. This is just one example of how it can be.


Pss... You can increase the levels of anthocyanin plants produce by spraying them with jasmenoic acid.

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