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Medical Grade Cannabis

UC Learner


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From my understanding the THC is utilized for pain management, while the strains with higher levels of CBD seem to regulate the feelings commonly associated with mental illness such as schizophrenia.


Most seed banks will list whether or not the strain has a high level of CBD (usually 1% or more).



i'm far from an expert. so feel free to correct me, but this is just what I've picked up in my many hours of reading :)

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Australia has lots of medical strains of cannabis,:thumbsup: Australia has some very unique genetics in it's gene pool that have medical uses that the rest of the world either never had or have cross bred out over the years. cannabis australis for eg. :wub:


We have had a unique position here in Australia in regards to the cannabis gene pool. The seeds, clones and tissue cultures that have been imported from every corner of the globe have in general been the pick of the worlds genetics (why import crap?) We have had one of the worlds best climates for growers. We don;t have wild hemp or ditch weed. We have lots of isolated places for growers to breed their own strains. We have a native cannabis strain that has been isolated from the rest of the worlds cannabis gene pool for 10's of thousands of years. The only difference is unlike other countries we don't have seed banks or dispensaries that can legally supply their genetics and thus have had little need to name strains here as there has been no need for 'product labeling' Who is to say what 1 fella is selling as red devil is the same as the next fellas red devil in an unregulated illegal market?


To name the top 10 Oz strains for med is pretty much impossible imo simply because they don't have names. In reality, the genetics of any med strain in the world is here plus a few more that are unique to Oz. :applause:


The truth is though unless you can source named strains from a reputable place (which is impossible for most in Australia atm) you dont have any idea what you have is what is claimed anyway. With a bit of luck Australian companies like Ellomo and Mullaway's medical cannabis and more to follow I hope, can help change this.soon and bring the Australian cannabis gene pool to the world :bow:



Peace MongyMan

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You make a very valid point. And although I think "name labeling" is a certain marketing ploy, maybe its something we Aussies might have to seriously consider from a medicinal point of view. If Rick Simpson in all his wisdom, displayed truth in "run from the cure" and there are certain indica strains that have indeed cured some forms of cancer via cell destruction, as a community, these strains need to be identifiable to advance.


Thanks for all your replies people.

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Hi UC Learner,

No way would I profess to know anything about a top 10 though you might be interested to learn about the callaboration between Shantibaba (a champion aussie breeder) of Mr Nice Seeds and Resin Seeds and their CBD Crew project. Their doing testing now and some people are doing test grows of their The Remedy. It has around the same ratios of THC and CBD. It's promising to be an excellent medical strain.



I can see you are doing some study,hope it helps to add to it.




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Hi, I am just a new member. I am a quadriplegic from a spinal injury and a Doctor years ago advised me to try Medicinal Weed but it is so hard to get hold of in Qld and had to go to S.A.


I am a big believer that people with medical conditions could be a lot better off than taking 4000mg of Paracetamol, muscle relaxants, steriods and sleeping tablets every day and i only have 30% kidney function.


Unfortunately the Police don't care what your circumstances are or what your doctor recommends as it is still illegal in Qld :wallbash:

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Hi, I am just a new member. I am a quadriplegic from a spinal injury and a Doctor years ago advised me to try Medicinal Weed but it is so hard to get hold of in Qld and had to go to S.A.


I am a big believer that people with medical conditions could be a lot better off than taking 4000mg of Paracetamol, muscle relaxants, steriods and sleeping tablets every day and i only have 30% kidney function.


Unfortunately the Police don't care what your circumstances are or what your doctor recommends as it is still illegal in Qld :wallbash:


Apparently there are people in Australia who have permission to use cannabis. If I was you I would seriously consider writing one of those informed consent letters.


Informed Consent Letter


If you could manage to get a GP to write a recommendation to use cannabis to go with the informed consent letter, it would probably put the odds in your favour.



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