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:faint: Here we go again eh... Nothing to do with if it's hydro or bush it's what's been used in the growing of it. If you can grow you will know that grown properly quality bush buds look & smoke up no different to properly grown quality "hydro buds" of the same strain... :bleh:


I think I'm going to be :sick if I see any more anti hydro dribble...


If your seeing a dealer LordReptar I would find a new one or clean out a cupboard ;)

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I went cold turkey about 2 years back and stopped for 9 months, Came back from overseas had 1 billy and started feeling shit as hell. As someone said this is not a diagnostic centre so my knowledge is limited to hypothesis. I recommend going to dry pipe / Joints and going at a nice easy pace by yourself listen to calming music and just relax... Once you feel that your back into the gist of things hit up the bong. Also a word of advice and this is coming from someone who could pull unbelievable cones ;) if you ever feel the mouth watering hard and like something is coming up, DO NOT breath through your mouth, deep inhale through your nose mate and out your mouth. Works every time when i go that one step to far.


Well that's all i can really say without a PHD.

Goodluck and most of all have fun and dont treat it like a chore.


EDIT: 12:56 pm [cybermental] : oh yeah have you tried it yet ?

12:56 pm [konflikt] : nothing like the taste of wee


HAHAHHAHA.... HAHAHHAHA.... every time i read it i laugh.

Edited by buntablade
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