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Okay, so I'm new here so take it easy (:


Also not sure if this is in the right thread so if need I will move it.


So, about a year and a half ago, I smoked pot for just about a year. In the beginning I was smoking like once a weekend/ every fortnight.

After a few months I started smoking every day/ second day.

Up until about 4 months ago I just cold turkey stopped for 3months. I try'd starting up again. But, the tiniest bit of weed and i start to feel really bloated, gassy and extreme dry mouth and pretty much throw up instantly. I have no idea why and I really want to get over it :/


Anyone have any idea what this is? And how I could fix it?

Would be very muchly appreciated.


Some things you might ask so i'll just throw them here in-case.

I smoked from a bong. Just a home made Gatorade bottle bong, nothing special.

It's not the stuff I got. Because when I was crusing, I was getting off the same guy, also after the 3months when it started i was getting the same stuff. No idea what it is so don't ask.




Much love - Reptar.

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yep, me same as BIGRAT. have smoked some hydro that was awful ... couldn't believe how unpleasant the experience was. thank goodness the experience was quick up and quick down.


BUT ... could be psychological man. the body not wanting to let go and be relaxed. the ego insisting it MUST BE IN CONTROL!


how's yr life at present? are you putting off dealing with any unfinished business? like ... grief will do this. anyone close to you recently deceased?


but hey! you don't HAVE to smoke weed ... it's not absolutely necessary for life.

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Those who go by the labels 'bush' and 'hydro' need to rethink how they look at cannabis, technically there is little to no difference between a plant grown under artificial light in inert media and one grown under the sun in soil, you are in fact having issues with what(and how) the plants were fed. Most bud labelled 'Hydro' is in fact overfed and under flushed bud, often effected by PGR's, this is typical of commercial growers who only care about maximum yield in a minimum of time. At the same time anything slightly fluffy, leafy or natural tasting gets labelled as 'Bush'.

I grow indoor hydro and outdoors in the ground and you would be hard pressed to pick which bud came from where, what it comes down to is that what matters is how they are grown, not where.


end rant


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Cannabis affects different people in different ways, it could have been laced (doubtful) but a possibility.

Could be your state of mind, anything is possible it may have even been the strain.

Just because it's the same guy that your getting it from doesn't mean it is the same stuff, if he is a dealer could be a number of places he is sourcing it from. Unfortunately we aren't a diagnostic center, I'm sure if anyone else has these problems they will post.


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