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First Time Grower Getting VERY nervous.......

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Hi lads,


I have only been able to get these few pretty ordinary pics of my only surviving lady from my first grow.....


Having seen all the "stunners" in other pics I suppose she looks pretty ordinary but for the first time I will be able to say I grew it and have that satisfaction!!!!


Anyways she is starting to stink......I am very nervous and the nieghbours arent that far away but I want to get as decent a result as I can muster....


Can anyone have a guess at how long she needs from the pics (i know probably not detailed enough) I have a 30x magnifier on the way but was sorta hoping for an idea til then.....


Anyways on a more general note about the plant.....she was my experiment (topping, some super cropping etc) and I have learnt so much from the 4-5 months since planted (lol into the same medium sized pot she is in now!!! OMG I knew nothing, she must be so root locked!!!!!! I flush her regularly and keep nutes right up to her but I am sure she has really suffered from this mistake but will know for the future.........


Oh yeah (soz lots of thoughts at once) I have been using Thrive Flower and Fruit.........but wondering if you guys think she needs a fair while longer if i should grab some Rose Focus to give her a final little kick???????


God I am such a newb!!!!! all advise/opinion greatly appreciated lads....stay safe.


ps. she blends in well to the tree behind her in pic 3 hey! thank god!




Edited by Anakha
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G'day Anakha. That is a fine specimen no matter how long you have been growing. I'd be happy to have that in my patch anyday. I like to prune hard all the big leaf, they are just freeloading, it also opens up the centre of the plant to light and air, a few growers are having issues with mould just now, also helps prevent wind damage when the heads are full, and also changes the appearance of the plant quite radically, the big shade leaves are easily recognised, a dead give away. Now it is Rose Focus time, full strength, 10 ml/ltr, each week, early morning is best. Then wait until the white hairs turn a nice red/brown/gold, about another 6/8 weeks here in Vic, then out with the saw. I understand your nerves but stick with it, no outward show of freak out, you'll be fine cobber. next season you'll be laughing about this, still don't let down your guard too much and tell no one, at all. Lovely smell, ain't it? Can you start a vege garden nearby? If so instant camo and good learning. Keep up the good work. Edited by auntynorm
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hey Anakha welcome up :peace:

at a wild guess i reckon you wait another 4 wks , if you not sure pick some early and pick the rest a few wks after ..its a good looking plant no worries there :thisbig:

so far it looks good , you could prolly just stick with what you are doing now , she seems happy


have a great harvest :peace:

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Thanks for the response lads, very helpful.....



Thanks mate.....your Cheese and Mazar thread is one of my most popular to have a gander at.........I have some Fem Mazar seeds (as well as a couple of other highly rated strains) that I cant wait to have a crack with......wait to get this girl out of the way first and then think about that indoors....although I may well practice a couple of times with bagseed as I dont want to stuff the Mazar up by lack of experience........god it looks good though, hope it smokes as well as I imagine when i finally get there!!!



Thanks for the info mate but sorry going to have to throw a couple more questions at you from it. When you said you prune the shade/fan leaves hard do you mean the ones up near the buds???? Sorry this may be the dumbest question ever asked on OS but just not sure where you mean....take pic 2 for example....are you meaning the leaves located there or are you just meaning the leaves down the bottom of the plant (near where they are yellowing in pic 3)....Soz mate but just need to clarify cause I have a date with her later and will take care of what needs to be done whilst she is getting a nute laden drink.................this will be her last nute before switching to the Rose Focus which i will pick up tomoz (no hurry my Bunnings had about 10 of em!!!! lol)

Not going to be able to hold out another 6-8 weeks though.......best i can aim for is to start flushing in a fortnight and get as close to easter as I can, hopefully thats long enough for her to mature....................

Oh and yes the smell........causes nerves in this situation but not a prettier smell to be had!!.....

Vege patch going in for next season.....should of been done this year


Tell me about it mate I have been shittin bricks about it for weeks!!! Today was the first day that i have noticed that the smell did carry quite a ways with the breeze we had so not good......stressful times...stressful times.......

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Go and grab a bag of Dynamic Lifter and spread it up wind and down wind of the plant. Neighbours won't go near it. Plant some mock orange on the boundary as close as you can to your neighbours house and there's a good chance they won't smell anything but. Jasmine is great too as are frangipani and Gardenia are also pretty good. You want a couple of heavily perfumed plants that will flower all year round or a variety that will keep you in flower all year round. Feed them sufficiently and appropriately.
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Thanks for the response lads, very helpful.....



Thanks mate.....your Cheese and Mazar thread is one of my most popular to have a gander at.........I have some Fem Mazar seeds (as well as a couple of other highly rated strains) that I cant wait to have a crack with......wait to get this girl out of the way first and then think about that indoors....although I may well practice a couple of times with bagseed as I dont want to stuff the Mazar up by lack of experience........god it looks good though, hope it smokes as well as I imagine when i finally get there!!!



Thanks for the info mate but sorry going to have to throw a couple more questions at you from it. When you said you prune the shade/fan leaves hard do you mean the ones up near the buds???? Sorry this may be the dumbest question ever asked on OS but just not sure where you mean....take pic 2 for example....are you meaning the leaves located there or are you just meaning the leaves down the bottom of the plant (near where they are yellowing in pic 3)....Soz mate but just need to clarify cause I have a date with her later and will take care of what needs to be done whilst she is getting a nute laden drink.................this will be her last nute before switching to the Rose Focus which i will pick up tomoz (no hurry my Bunnings had about 10 of em!!!! lol)

Not going to be able to hold out another 6-8 weeks though.......best i can aim for is to start flushing in a fortnight and get as close to easter as I can, hopefully thats long enough for her to mature....................

Oh and yes the smell........causes nerves in this situation but not a prettier smell to be had!!.....

Vege patch going in for next season.....should of been done this year


Tell me about it mate I have been shittin bricks about it for weeks!!! Today was the first day that i have noticed that the smell did carry quite a ways with the breeze we had so not good......stressful times...stressful times.......

G'day Anakha. Just remove all the big stuff and any that looks old or yellow, just open her up, use your own judgement and let the little buds get some more light and air, just go by the hairs turning colour, you want to have at least 50% colour I believe. Use the Rose Focus at full strength, 10 ml/ltr, and once a week. You could check how I prune by the pics in my thread, Near the Shed. A good pair of hair dresser scissors, pointy nose, makes the job easy, also good for manicure.

Edited by auntynorm
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