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Outdoor Nutrients - Advice?

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Rev and jakai ... it seems that I am experiencing what you say. I have size, but way too much green for this time of year. thanks for that.


cybermental ... wasn't I saying reduced N, increased K?



edit: thinking on it, this year's plant is totally organic. chook poo and stuff only. no thrive at all. my green problem is due to side dressing the plant with a fair bit of chook poo when flowering started. I should not have done this but the situation is being rapidly pulled back with kelp spray and the missus is bringing some high K fert home with the shopping today.


so I still maintain that on the previous occasions I 've used dilute chook poo to bolster thrive, or dilute chook poo with added sulphate of potash as an alternative feed to thrive fruit and flower, I 've had more and denser heads than using thrive exclusively.

Edited by demistify
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cheers for the input guys.. and im aware of the many many threads on this site regarding outdoor nutrients just wanted to find out thrive specific information. I have chosen to ditch the thrive as its very high in nitrogen and gone back to manutec Bloom booster.


i plan on giving a full feed of Bloom Booster on the first day, a feed of seasol the second day, with a water flush on the third.. repeating the process :) also a feed of potash every fortnight..

Let me know what you guys think of this plan and anyway i could improve it, i took in what mungas said about a feed of bloom booster everyday but she is in a relevantly small pot and i think it receiving nutes every single day might be a bit much for the old girl...


anyways cheers for the imput guys that why i love you all :wub:

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