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Outdoor Nutrients - Advice?

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hey guys just after some outdoor nutrient advice..

i have been using Yates Multi-Nutrient throughout veg at a full feed per/week and has worked great..




i have just purchased:

Thrive Fruit and Flower: NPK : 15/4/26






i have little knowledge on thrive fruit and flower, with phosphorous looking like it is to low at 4..

does anybody have any experience with Thrive fruit and flower? advice?



i plan on giving them a thorough water.. then giving them a full feed of seasol once a week! whilst watering a 10 litre mix of thrive throughout the week...

What are peoples advice on this feed cycle?


im very cautious with thrive hearing rumours it can make your buds taste funky, i think this is an old urban legend but am considering changing back to manutec bloom booster in which i used last year, unfortunatly Big W is all out of the stuff, manutec bloom booster has a high phosphorous level which should mean better for flower..




Im curious to see how thrive will go just looking for some advice? feed more often? how much seasol/thrive..

is it worth to change back to manutec's bloom booster?


Any helps appreciated guys! i no this community is all about sharing and thats what i love about it :D





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Any helps appreciated guys! i no this community is all about sharing and thats what i love about it


Thanks, and that is why OzStoners has a Forum completely devoted to Nutrients the forum is bursting with Q's & answers on which nutrient is 'best' and how to use specific nutes

yesterday there were 2 topics basicly asking this same Q

if you take the time to carefully read through this forum im sure you wouldnt even need to ask this Q as you would have a better understanding what nutrients work in what soils/mediums .. speaking of which, wtf are you growing in? we dont even know that, how can we accurately advise you? :faint:


having said all that, your plants look in excellent condition, so whatever you are doing seems to be working well and i like your method of using the thrive once a week

personelly im a big fan of Bloom Booster


feel free to call me a grumpy old kunt cause i know iam like that from time to time :blush:


and remember its just a weed


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I used to go thrive for getting up to size and thrive flower and fruit for heading. worked ok. there had to be some goodies in the soil too or the heads would have size but no density. so started watering dilute chook poo juice on them every second water (that's every second day!) every third day was a water flush. now when the heads begin to form I crush up some sulphate of potash and add that to the liquid fertiliser (chook poo).


from what I read flower and fruit has too much nitrogen. the recomendations I 've read say N needs to be below 10%. the word on the forums is that bunnings has a rose fertiliser with N below 10% and high potash.


but water and feed everyday gives surprising results! be brave!

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Due to the massive nitrogen content in chook poo, you want to be careful putting it on certain plants, and watch the frequency at which you whack it around. Too much nitrogen will produce stacks of lush, leafy growth but your plants will be sooky, and way more susceptible to pests, disease and the like. If your are shoving it on flowering plants, err on the side of caution, or you'll end up with heaps of green, and not much flower.


Rose fertiliser is good.


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As Rev says, maybe even give the chook manure a miss once flowering heavily.


Old trick for flowering plants is throw a bit of 3and1 around, cpl teaspoons worth. 3and1 is a blend of P&K in granular form, a lifetime supply costs about $5 from any good grain and Ag store...about 1/2 kg. Also induces flowering and ripening.



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G'day mate. Rose Focus by Growth Technologies from bunnings. I swear by it. Add a tablespoon of sulfate of potash to a 9 ltr watering can and go for it. I would not use the potash every week, maybe every month, it's pretty hot material. You can add seasol and/or fish at the same time. I don't worry too much about organic nutes, much less chance of burn, I just pour it on. Hope this helps. :flex:
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Here's my two cents worth......opinions & arseholes!!!! As I've written before I get excellent resuls from :


a) well prepared soil...end of harvest I'll throw down a bag of chook pooh along with two bagsof horse shit onto the plot. Then I'll throw all my lawnclippings & vegie scraps onto it over winter.


B) Whilst in growing cycle I'll water EVERY day. It's important the soil drains readily. Mull likes lots of water but she hates to get her feet wet. A simple test is to give it a good soaking, then watch the water disappear. If it takes a minute ofr more for it to happen then the soil isn't draining well.


c) I feed EVERY day!!! I prefer Thrive-the normal one.Once they're over a foot high I'll double the dosage i.e 4 scoops to a 10lt bucket. Apply this at least 10mins after you water,


d) Once flowering has started I'll change to Manutec Bloom Booster. Again I'll double the dosage & feed EVERY day


I figured the hydro boys are feeding their girls regularly....when I went hydro the watering schedule was 5mins every 2hrs. So I figured why not outside.


No bullshit...on a 43degree day I swear you can hear the girls growing!!!


Again it's my arsehole...I mean opinion!!!!

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