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Basic nutes for beginners

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quickest way to learn is by doing

either iconic 1 part or H&G coco and a bottle of seasol would be my recommends

dont buy into the hype of additives a few are useful but save the cash and buy a PH pen then if your interested get a cheap EC pen too

all nutes function similarly where youll make the biggest difference is climate control its all the little things that result in big yeilds

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mate i would decide on what medium you are going to use and stick with it as any medium has its own unique requirements so do your research to find what is right for you. the rev gives good advice.. rs.making sweeping generalisations about all nutes behaving the same is drawing a pretty long bow you dont need any of that shit if your not going hydro. i try to keep it organic and basic as possible master the basics first, less is more, quality is always better than quantity.. enough puns for ya? goodluck.... peace TD
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mate i would decide on what medium you are going to use and stick with it as any medium has its own unique requirements so do your research to find what is right for you. the rev gives good advice.. rs.making sweeping generalisations about all nutes behaving the same is drawing a pretty long bow you dont need any of that shit if your not going hydro. i try to keep it organic and basic as possible master the basics first, less is more, quality is always better than quantity.. enough puns for ya? goodluck.... peace TD



i said they function similar not behave the same. they all contain the same things just in different amounts and different quality salts

if organic works for you no wucking forries but he asked about nutes, i agree that most the millions of different bottles that are on display at a hydro shop are completely unnecessary all that is required is a simple 2 part for excellent results very simple to use

also quality does not have to diminish to increase quantity i find it mush easyier to flush coco then soil and be left with extreme quality buds without and residual taste, smell plenty of quantity also :thumbsup:

i would describe the basics as dialing in climate control and learning the growth patterns of your particular strain whether you use fresh water on soil or water with a couple mls of a+b on coco wont make all that much difference

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Hi Stoned Saul, obviously you can tell most people are going to have different opinions on this ;)


One of, maybe the biggest hassle I've personally seen 'beginners' having is over feeding their plant(s). Assuming your room climate is right, and clean, IMO you will be fine with any nutrient, or medium As long as you make sure you have a TDS/EC & PH pen to measure the strength/acidity of your nutrient mix. Rev I've used coco with DM Advance + other not coco specific nutrients for quite a few grows and it's actually fine ;)


I agree though if you are planning on using coco/perlite in the future, just bite the bullet and get it now no sense chopping and changing.


My 2c from personal experience ;)




Edited by nugget
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