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How many glass bongs have you owned?

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So after years of owning all sorts of glass bongs each meeting an untimely demise

I thought it would be interesting to find out how many everyone has gone through

I've been through about 8 number 8 is still alive though


Dun dun daa......:)

My last 3 have been really expensive though. all from everyonedoesit

I currently have the weedstar 5mm messias spikey ice

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Sweet, yeah 2 for me. The first one was tiny, I let it live over at my mates place. I have a 30cm ice bong at home, im using a metal stem and brass cone piece but i have a glass stem and conepiece (looks more like an american "bowl") which im gonna crack out pretty soon.


Ive been hunting around looking for my next one, I wanna get a nice one thats clear but still with swirls of colour on it, kinda like some of the ROORs. I wouldnt mind something with a freezer coil too.

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Well this is the family.. All started with the Roor in the middle which was broken after about five months while cleaning, little did I know when I brought that original bit of glass that I would end up with all these and this is the first time I have had it all out there is a bit of it.. Well all is here bar three bubblers which are on semi permanent loan to mates so I don't need to cart my glass around haha.



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But 2 of them were ceramic.


The first (ceramic) me and a housemate bought together, our friend Jimmy knocked it off a table and it broke. So Jimmy bought us another ceramic bong, which within a week he knocked of a table and it broke. I then went and bought a glass bong (small aussie style - metal stem, brass cone) which lasted a while, until Jimmy knocked it off a table and it broke.


The 4th lasted me many years, although most of that time it never got used as I stopped smoking bongs. I recently gave it to my sister.


And the 5th one I bought last year - all glass, about 400mmH, but really really cheap. Would love a roor or something similar but the prices are ridiculous.

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Dunno why there's such a big fuss about Roor stuff, unless you want pretty colours and stuff I guess.



more than pretty colours the difference between Weed* and Roor.. I have had some weed* stuff and just not as nicely made as my roor stuff but was a lot cheaper ;)


That said Roor is not cheap and their stock production stuff isn't as flashy as others but some of Martins custom stuff is sick work and my 7mm little sister with 45cm neck is still one of my favourite pieces... There are plenty of other talented glass blowers out there making top stuff too :thumbsup:

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Have to agree roor are way overpriced a long time ago I saw these black bongs with the brand name alchemy I wish I could find one of them but I've never seen them again .

Weedstar are pretty good for the price though mine has lasted for 2 years now strong and you can always get replacement parts . Btw why is it that every. Bong not made in aus has the shottie on the left side and why do they come with mammoth size cone pieces what's up with that?

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Btw why is it that every. Bong not made in aus has the shottie on the left side and why do they come with mammoth size cone pieces what's up with that?



All my pieces are "shottie" less... I just pull my slides when wanting to clear the chamber...


post-36974-0-11393500-1299672858_thumb.jpg post-36974-0-05035200-1299672869_thumb.jpg


This is a bunch I have lying around from party cone :freak: and other roor types to the smaller disc and pinch type slides on the right end.. You need to use the glass gauzes either the jack type or round one when using a slide with big hole like on the left side, these allow you to pack pretty as small or big cones of ground up bud in any one of those slides in the picture :bongon:




And new oil dome that I might as well throw up here :thumbsup:

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