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Newb First Outdoor Grow with pics. Advice requested.

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Guys 2 weeks is drawing to a end.

She hasn't changed much from those pics i posted a week ago, maybe a little more bushier if that, but nothing too drastic.


So i'm curious about the next step. I have flushed her for the last week and will do until next weekend.

But do i simply rip her out of the pot and hang her up in the shed?


I mean is there anything else i should know?


Do i take extra care in taking her out or trim the plant prior or any tips that you guys have used or do to help the drying process?


As always any advice would be gold.

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Put very simply, theres a general way of doing it give or one or two things.

Take your plant and chop all fan leaves off, keep or throw out depending on what you prefer

Once the fan leaves are off, trim the buds down around each bud, chopping leaves off around the buds and giving them defined shape. You want to keep these leaves as there great for butter/cooking and making hash (depending on how much you get). Once the buds are in 'bud shape' hang them on string/coat hangers, whatever you have, basically you want to make sure there suspended in mid air. The room should be low in humidity, I think around 50% from memory and around 20-25 degrees. Realistically they will still dry in 15-20 degrees, it will just take longer but you will ensure their evenly dried. Just make sure you check them for mites and mould and so forth.

Hope that helps,

Scraps :peace:

Edited by sargentscraps
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Thanks ConvexConepiece, i have read those articles thoroughly in the cannaveristy subsection.

but they didn't explain the process in detail and gave me more questions than answers hence why i posted.

But thanks i'll re-read maybe something i missed.

But thanks sarge, you have cleared alot up for me.

However i still have a question or two for you. When you say keep fan leaves your referring to keeping all the leaves that are trimmed off to use for oil correct?

Also say i have manicured the plant nicely, there are no branches that spawn off this plant as you can see in the pics. Its basically like hugging the trunk of the tree so its almost as if i have to hang the entire

plant upside down or something? Is that do-able?

As for the temp of the drying room, best i got is a shed. Dark, dry, and has ambient temp of 20.

But again thanks for the info thus far Scraps.

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Also here are some pics of her after the hair cut...

Does it suit her, so to speak or should i cut closer and more?

Or have i gone too far...?

I kept all the littler stickier leaves for the oil, and gave into temptation and pulled off the tiniest of buds just to fill my little

vapourgenie and gave it a pull, currently cannot feel my face.






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Hi dj - doing just fine so far


So if its managed to get this far without that much tlc, will using more nutes etc shock it so to speak and and create problems for me?


Bit of Kenny rogers nitty's style ..........................


"You've got to know when to leave them and you've got to know when to feed them"


"You've got to know when to water them and you know your doing not done."


"You've got to know when to pick em then and you know if your plants not done."



Grow well dj






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