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Australia to outlaw thousands of plants, including national flower

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Author: Ethan A. Huff

Date: Monday, February 28, 2011

Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/031533_Australia_national_flower.html



(NaturalNews) In what it claims is an effort to stamp out plants and flowers that can be used as drugs, Australian authorities have proposed insane legislation that will outlaw hundreds, if not thousands, of common plant species, including the golden wattle, its national flower. If the law passes, nurseries, commercial growers, farmers, cactus collectors, and even backyard gardeners will become criminals overnight -- even though many of the plants being targeted are not even used as drugs.


Currently, only five plants are banned from cultivation in Australia because of their alleged inherent drug components. But the new legislation will ban from cultivation any plant that contains dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a naturally-occurring hallucinogen, which according to the Australian Attorney General includes many common and native plants, from various cacti and fodder grasses, to simple backyard ornamental plants.


The entire list of plants slated for elimination can be viewed here:

pdf link


While DMT does have hallucinogenic properties, the component is found in literally thousands of plant species that are native to the Australian landscape. Farmers use many of the grasses and legumes on the list to feed their animals, for instance. Countless gardeners, landscapers, and plant collectors cultivate many of the plants on the list as well. And numerous seed banks that collect and save plant species will have to dump their seed stocks, should the legislation be passed.


The proposal is an irresponsible, ill-derived threat to Australian freedom, and it needs to be stopped. The Australian Minister for Justice, the Hon Brendan O'Connor MP, is accepting public comments on the issue up until March 11, 2011. Those concerned are urged to send email opposition to:



To learn more about the issue, please visit:



Send a pro forma e-mail direct from gardenfreedom.com to the Minister for Justice, the Hon Brendan O'Connor MP: http://www.gardenfreedom.com/email-minister-direct-from-website.php

Edited by Oz
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What can I say :wallbash: what sort of morons do we have running this country? That is ridiculous in the extreme :faint:

Possibly even dumber than their proposed internet filter :crap: .

How the hell do they propose to enforce such a wide ranging ban? Did they even think about the ramifications of this proposal?


They kept this very quiet until the last minute, a big noise is in order to wake them up to reality :bang:

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You get the government you voted for. Labour Libs Greens are all complete fuck wits. Their agendas are the same, to control and force the population to obey them no matter what. If you don't then go to jail.


That post about leaving the western world and living in the bush is starting to have some credence.


I feel very sad and sorry for the future generations to come. Orwell's 1984 (I think that was the one) movie is fast becoming a reality.


We are heading towards the fuedal system of old England.

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Thanks nugget, I fixed it up.


I'm of the same opinion, Nugget. I can't see it being passed but I'm flabbergasted they even attempted. How the hell could they produce and fund the resources to police it?


We have complete fucking dickheads running this country and what's worse: there is no one better to take their place.

Edited by rjw
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This is just insanity.

They simply can't enforce these laws!

Are they going to do house to house searches aswell?


The main thing that struck me is they are making wattles illegal.

I have several on my property! Am I now a criminal?

What the hell.


The way it sounds to me, we may as well start a drug lab or something, because we will be treated like criminals.

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