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HPS Ignition

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Some things are not joked about and that is electricity, believe it there are a lot of idiots :stunned: out there that would actually do something like that.

I agree Medusa. Some clowns would read this and give it a shot. Once.




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Must agree with Reverend, Merlin and Medusa on this one Hotrod...sorry but some ppl are dumb enough


Example: a member wanted to put a control on his EX` fan, I asked "does the fan support it?" member says " wont need to, it goes in the powerpoint" :rolleyes:


I dismissed as jovial conversation his belief in his statement and told him to just kink the cord...."like a hose?, I`m with ya"


At that rate, possibly not for long I`d imagine:whistle:


So be careful, ppl do follow advice they dont understand


If the field`s killing qualified ppl, and B/I death rates show this as true...I`m staying away from anything but the simplest of jobs



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jaikai is so right you guys

what a champion


thanks jaikai!




Hotrod it could be that your dodgey join is not letting enough current flow thru (high-resistance connection), maybe the copper was corroded where you joined it or maybe its just loose... can you just run an extension cord out to your grow room? it would be safer and more reliable in terms of not starting fires or zapping people...


If you cant fit the end of the extension lead thru your conduit or for whatever reason feel you have to wire it yourself, use a volt-stick to ensure the power is off first, make sure you have a rcd installed, when you put the wires together, terminate them in a screw terminal

(tape will dry out in time and fall apart) and then enclose them in a j-box or sealed non-conductive box, kept high up away from water and hands.


and on another thought...


Read up about things before hand and make your own decisions, a lot of people will say things like...

doing your own electrical work is against the law,

dumping your grow-op waste in nature is against the law,

stealling electricity is against the law,

selling your product is against the law,

incriminating random people to protect yourself and your grow-op is against the law...

running around the block naked while drunk is against the law...


but most the guys who say these things not only use illegal drugs, but produce them... (against the law)


so use your judgement and think safety first

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If you cant fit the end of the extension lead thru your conduit or for whatever reason feel you have to wire it yourself, use a volt-stick to ensure the power is off first


I do a lot of me own work "this side" of the meter and although I know every outlet etc, I still brush across the wiring with the magic pen... best $20 you`ll ever spend... believe it





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