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:D In my opinion I think one day it will, or at least tolerated to an extent. Marijuana today is far more acceptable than it was a short while ago, and there seem to be scientists, politicians, heaps of people who stick up for the fact that weed is not a dangerous thing, i look forward to the day when we look back at our drug laws and laugh.


Howard should pull his finger out of his ass.

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Guest Field_of_Light

Times are a changing.....


Marijuana reputation as a drug for dropouts is slowly subsiding as people start to see their friends smoking the stuff and NOT KILLING PEOPLE.... :D


I think once medical marijuana gets the nod in every state in Australia that it will influence public opinion in a more positive way...right now mj is looked on as an `evil drug'...if it can be shown its positive uses...then we are on the way to freedom!


People need more positive representaitons in the media than what they have been given by the govt and media alike in the last 100 years...


An education campaign needs to be started before all this happens....making it illegal for under 18s to smoke it or be in posession of it....like alcohol.....(yes I know ppl will disagree but spare me the rigmarole)


we need to see the positive side of this drug in everyday life...as does the rest of the population.........

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I think the police force, and to a lesser extent the government wants as many people as possible to grow and smoke pot as well as other drugs, but they also want to keep it illegal. That way they got a lever against us. Fuck with us and we'll throw you in jail for being a pothead.


A mate of mine used to be a cop in the Western suburbs of Sydney, and if they wanted to get someone they'd search their car, or house, and 90% of the time they'd find something to get them on, but it had nothing to do with the reason the cops wanted to nail them in the first place.


I'm not saying all cops are like this, but the culture is definitely there to some extent.

Edited by pipeman
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white_cluster Posted on Aug 14 2003, 10:34 PM


Fuck no, legalisation will never happen, look how the dutch and swiss laws have made a change for the worse.

Decriminalization has been trialled everywhere, even in the US, it just dont last.


Sorry whitecluster, but decriminalisation and legalisation are two different things. The dutch laws have made changes for the better in many ways, and worse in others, but they didn't actually make cannabis legal... And that's the key. If we are ever to make cannabis law reform work it can't be half arsed. There must be full legalisation, including lisenced premisis for consuption, quality controls in any marketed products, and education, education, education. Personal growing should also be legalised, but there should be education put towards helping people grow safe buds for home consuption should they do so.


I think the age limitation, being 18 before being able to enter lisenced premisis or be in possesion, but supervised use in the home with the consent of the parent should be left alone. This is a healthy, and above all safe way to have youth who are experimenting with drugs, (which they always will, law or no law) protected from excessive or inappropriate consuption... Would you rather your child purchasing drugs from a mate of a mate they know and using it under a bridge after school, or if they're going to do it, would you rather they did it with at least your supervision, if not approval...


I'm just ranting here, but the idea that simple decriminalisation will make for a better society is bullshit. Full, complete legalisation and regulation should be the aim of all of us, because anything short, and we're just making things worse.... So in a way, I agree with you white cluster, but I must say I'm somewhat confused by your attitude? So if decriminalisation/legalisation doesn't work, what would you rather see, more people sent to gaol for a victimless "crime"? I'd just like to know, not trying to be rude or nothin...


If we all work together, and I mean really WORK for legalisation, it will happen. All it takes is a little guts, a little leadership and a lot of determination not to be fucked over by those who pretend they represent us.



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Guest Wilderbud
If we are ever to make cannabis law reform work it can't be half arsed.  There must be full legalisation, including lisenced premisis for consuption...

I vote for Montezumas as the place to allow it to be smoked - they have such a nice session room, munchies galore and tequila.

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