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Got my plants ripped.

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Life's Lessons are for those who want to learn

dont take revenge, someone else will do that for you

this dude who ripped you, he will hang back when he see you, acknowledge him thats all, dont get him offside

remember what he stole was immature basicly valueless

all he will gain is false bravado, he thinks 'hey im so clever'

it follows this dude will step-up to bigger targets

so they will teach him a good lesson, saving you the trouble


you can learn from this episode

be thankful it didnt cost you alot

looking @ the big picture of your whole life this is a small loss and bruising of pride

i know how devestating this can be at the time, i too have been ripped and lost alot i can understand the rage you have within

you must learn to control that rage and harness it in another way that will not boomerang back at you

all the best for the future goodpawn :peace:

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Thank you for the great advice. I feel it will be best to just let it go.

I will set up some sort of security system with the last two plants and hope that if he does come back then I can catch him in the act and take appropriate action.

It is not so annoying that I had the plants taken its more like I feel violated as I dont feel comfortable in my own house/yard anymore.

Once again cheers for the advice and hope that bad karma comes to those that deserve it.

Might start again in pots and bring plants in of a night. Cant afford to move again ATM.


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how did he find where you live?


get a sensor light and put up a little electric fence...


no wait, an electric scrog! Let see him pull them out in the dark then...

I had a unique car when I first met him. One day he turned up at my front door.

Gunna do the old razor blades in the stem trick as well as a few other things :bang:

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Hey Goodpawn....word of advice mate. Don't set any man traps or razor blades in case you get busted. Cops will do you hard if they find crap like that. All you can do is make it hard for the thieves. Tie 'em down...use string with bells on...a sensor light...get a yapping dog. A mate kept a goose near his...fuck it made a noise if disturbed at night!!! Lock the gate so they can't just walk in.


Now you know the bastards are about you can take precautions. Think how you'd steal 'em & fix it.


Good luck

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G'day Good. My advice cobber, get a fucking savage dog. Some critter with a real shit attitude. I have a Staffy x Bluey and she is as savage as shit. She's not that big but will not let anybody, at all, on the property. Makes a hell of a racket, growling, barking at anyone who comes near the place and there are some real shitheads around here, they won't come in. This is her territory. Plus having a good dog for a mate is a beaut thing. Plenty of signs, beware of the dog etc, you can buy at any hardware store, put them around so then they will think twice. No one likes to get bitten, and you will know for sure who the arsehole is.
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Mungas, great advice. The Goose is a fantastic idea!


auntynorm, also great advice, however I would recommend against advertising you have a dog of any temperament, let alone a 'fucking savage' specimen.


If thieves are going to rip blokes off (or the ladies), for whatever reason, don't let them know they have to bring a bait before the rip. Let them find out the hard way.


If you've ever had a crop ripped, it's because someone has opened their mouth.


If only they kept their lips inside a nice Roor instead :bongon:

Edited by Delta 9
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