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Molasses does it work?

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make sure its unsulphured, pure organic blackstrap molasses,


1 teaspoon per litre every other water.


I don't use it but have researched its use. It adds carbohydrates and other micro nutrients to the medium, supposed to give bigger jucier buds.

Edited by brick50
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since last post have applied M to rejuvenate outdoor grow (foliar sprayed kelp first) and the results have been next to miraculous. that M acidifies suited me perfectly because my soil was too alkaline.


have also used it to rejuvenate roses in my yard and it worked a treat, even ridding them of aphids! hear M kills nematodes too.

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since last post have applied M to rejuvenate outdoor grow (foliar sprayed kelp first) and the results have been next to miraculous. that M acidifies suited me perfectly because my soil was too alkaline.


have also used it to rejuvenate roses in my yard and it worked a treat, even ridding them of aphids! hear M kills nematodes too.


so what dosage rates did you use, and how do you know it wasnt the kelp foliar feeding that produced the miraculous results?

im not having a go @ you dm but i do like specific details

im quite sure that Molasses unsulphered is very beneficial cause i seen too many Yanks using it for it not to be good and Skunkxxx is an example



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yes, Skunxxx has a very good rave on M in here somewhere. he says tablespoon per five gallons. I 've been using one teaspoon per 9 litres which is a little stronger. www.thctalk.com has some excellent raves on M in their organic growing section too. every two weeks they say.


cannot quantify in scientific terms which did the job, Kelp or M. Kelp (100:1) promoted a burst of growth from the tips of the heads. these tips were very thick and zigzagged as they grew. I guess this was kelp in conjunction with the residual excess N in my soil (I had just removed my chookshit top dressing and given the bed six 44's of water to flush it out.) this frantic growth freaked me out ... it was bizarre, and altho Radic suggested continue I stopped kelp.


the kelp alone changed the plant from moribund dark green to golden green but few new anthers appeared.


one week later I applied M and one week after that the heads were full in bloom and I am feeling much happier.


so there! that's the story the way I remember it. sorry I do not adhere to the scientific method.


as far as the roses are concerned the aphids disappeared after the M, not after the kelp ... so I 'm tending toward M magic myself. CHEERS.

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Hi all, use mollasis all the time when brewing/bubbling my teas. The mollasis feeds the soil microbes which in turn helps the plants take up the nutrients. I am a total organic micro grower and have been haveing great results using it. I add it at the rate of 1 table spoon per liter bubbled in the teas that are made up of Worm castings and finely sifted compost.

Organics is all about feeding the "micro herds" that then convert the soild nutrients that then feed the plants. Some just use it diluted and not brewed as a watering, again to help feed the microbes in the soil.

A very popular method, just google it and do some research andyou will find heaps of info.


Cheers Johhny

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